Rs revision 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesHinduismAbortionChristianityCommunity CohesionLife and deathMarriage and RelationshipsGCSEEdexcel Created by: Lucybadcock15Created on: 17-02-14 11:39 What does abortion mean The removal of the foetus from the womb before it can survive 1 of 13 What does resurrection mean The belief that after death we stay in the grave until the end of the world when it is raised 2 of 13 What does reincarnation mean The belief that after death souls are reborn into a new body 3 of 13 What is community cohesion A common vision and shared since of belonging for all groups in society 4 of 13 What does discrimination mean Treating people less favourably because of their ethnicity/gender/age/class/colour/sexuality 5 of 13 What does ethnic minority mean A member of an ethnic group which is much smaller than the minority group 6 of 13 What does prejudice mean Believing some people are inferior or superior without knowing them 7 of 13 What does racism mean The belief that some races are superior to others 8 of 13 What does religious pluralism mean Accepting all religions as having an equal right to co exist 9 of 13 What does moksha mean Escaping the cycle for rebirth and being reunited with Brahman 10 of 13 What does atman mean Soul 11 of 13 What does samsara mean The circle of reincarnation 12 of 13 What does varna mean Your social class 13 of 13
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