Rusbults theory

Investement size
Resources attached to a romantic relationship that both partners would loose if the relationship was to end
1 of 11
Judgement partners make comparing their relationship to others. " Could my needs be better met elsewhere?"
2 of 11
Satisfaction level
Extent the rewards exceed the costs, based on your comparison level
3 of 11
Committment level
Main factors causing people to stay in relationships, especially disatisfactory ones becuase they dont want to see their investments go to waste
4 of 11
Extrinsic investment
Resources closely attached to the relationship which did not exist before (house/care)
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Intrinsic investment
Resources we put directly into a relationship
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Enduring partners
Act to promote the relationship by putting their interests first, and forgiving the other partner for anything serious
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Committed partners
Think unrealistically positively about their partner, they think negatively about tempting alternatives and ridicule alternatives and others relationships
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Lee and Agnew
Reviewed 52 studies from 5 countries, satisfaction, CLalt and investment size predicted committment best. True for men and women, accross all cultures across homosexual and heterosexual couples
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Goodfriend and Agnew
More to investment than resources put into a relationship, extended orgional model to include investment partners make in future plans, origional model only a limmitted explanation as fails tolook at how planning fro futures influences investment
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Explains domestic violence
Studies on women refuges showed women with large investments are most likely to return to a violant relationship. Model recognises than a victim of domestiv violence doesn't have to be stratafied.
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Card 2




Judgement partners make comparing their relationship to others. " Could my needs be better met elsewhere?"

Card 3


Satisfaction level


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Committment level


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Extrinsic investment


Preview of the front of card 5
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