Russia 1894-1941 key dates 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryRussia - 19th and 20th centuryA2/A-levelOCR Created by: Emzhip16Created on: 25-11-19 12:22 what happened in 1896? Nicholas was crowned Tsar 1 of 10 what happened in 1897? gold standard was reached in Russia currency 2 of 10 what was contructed between 1891-1916? the trans Siberian railway 3 of 10 when was the Russo-Japanese war? 1904-5 4 of 10 why was 1905 so significant? a revolution took place in 1905 which took its toll of nic 5 of 10 when was the October manifesto? 1905 after the revolution 6 of 10 when was Stolypins wager on the strong? 1906-1907, he introduced measures to restore the peasants sense of security. 7 of 10 when did the Dumas take place 1906-14. 1st duma April-june 1906, second duma February-June 1907, third duma: 1907 November 1907-1912 and the forth duma: November 1912-august 1914 8 of 10 what incident happening in 1912? the lena goldfields incident happened in 1912-striking miners shot down. 9 of 10 when was the general strike 1914- it paralysed st Petersbrug and the police dealt with it through violence 10 of 10
From Autocracy to Communism: Russia 1894-1941: Russian Revolution revision cards 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating Teacher recommended
chapter 3 the impact of war and revolution and the development of the Russian empire and the USSR 5.0 / 5 based on 5 ratings
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