Russia 1917-91 | Control of the people - Stalin 0.0 / 5 ? HistoryRussia - 19th and 20th centuryASEdexcel Created by: dkingston16Created on: 10-01-18 21:59 What did Stalin aim to do to Soviet media? Tighten its censorship. 1 of 19 What was the official censorship and state secret protection organ in the Soviet Union? Glavlit 2 of 19 What sort of 'bad news' was restricted? Natural disasters, suicides, industrial accidents, bad weather. 3 of 19 What was Stalin's personality cult? He was the 'Lenin of today', leading the way to socialism. This was built from the Cult of Lenin. 4 of 19 What names were given to Stalin as part of his personality cult? 'Vozhd' (leader with ultimate authority), 'Generalissimo' (from 1941, emphasised role as military leader leading Soviets to victory in WW2). 5 of 19 What did many churches become as a result of collectivisation? Grain stores. 6 of 19 What did Stalin do in return for asking Church leaders to support war effort? Ended censorship of Church magazines and anti-religious propaganda; allowed 414 churches to re-open in WW2. 7 of 19 Who were the leaders of Stalin's secret police? Yagoda, Yezhov, Beria 8 of 19 What was different about Stalin's use of the secret police compared to Lenin's? He used it against the Party; used terror much more widely. 9 of 19 What is meant by a gulag? A forced labour camp - millions sent here through terror. 10 of 19 As a result of treating Communist officials with respect, which leader's leadership did Stalin become critical of? Yagoda 11 of 19 Which of the leaders was responsible for the worst years of the Great Terror (1936-8)? Yezhov 12 of 19 What did the Great Terror become known as under Yezhov? Yezhovschina - all of Soviet society was engulfed in his terror. 13 of 19 Who were the NKVD? The Soviet secret police. 14 of 19 What was the most obvious sign of the Great Terror, designed to humiliate Stalin's opponents before punishing them? The Moscow Show Trials 15 of 19 Who took over the secret police in 1938 as the Great Terror wound down, also put in charge of building successful Soviet nuclear bomb? Beria 16 of 19 What was the name given to traditional art techniques used to serve the government? Socialist Realism 17 of 19 Who was the focus of different art forms? Lenin & Stalin 18 of 19 In what way did literature become more realistic? Plot, typically focussed on a subject relating to building socialism, could be followed by ordinary people 19 of 19
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