Home > A Level and IB > History > Russia 1917-91: From Lenin to Yeltsin- Industrial and Agricultural change, 1917-85
Russia 1917-91: From Lenin to Yeltsin- Industrial and Agricultural change, 1917-85
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- Created by: fenton.davies
- Created on: 12-05-17 08:41
What was the first stage of Soviet economic transformation?
State Capitalism
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What policies were introduced under State Capitalism?
Land Decree; Decree on Worker's Control; Nationalisation of all banks
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What effect did State Cap. have on the economy
Detrimental effect
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Why was War Communism introduced?
Increase chance of the Reds winning the Civil War
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What were the main features of War Communism?
Nationalisation of all industry (apart from less than 10 workers); Military-style discipline in factories; Forced requisitioning; private trade abolished
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What were the Results of the Civil War?
Won Civil War; Famine in countryside; output severly reduced
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What figures show the decline of the economy due to War Communism?
1921 Ind. output 1/5 of 1913 levels; 1921 Agri. output 46% of 1913 = Famine
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Why was the NEP introduced in 1921?
Restore the Russian economy from the brink of collapse; unpopular with the Russian population; alarming outbreaks of violence (Tambov, Krondstadt)
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What effect did the Tambov Uprising and the Krondtstadt have on the leadership and Lenin?
Shocked them into action over the economy; Krondstadt sailors were a mainstay of the revolution and their mutiny shows how unpopular the CP was.
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What were the key features of the NEP?
Return to private trading; end of requisitioning; 'Commanding Heights of Industry' kept in stae hands
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How successful was the NEP?
Acheived what it wanted to acheive by improving output drastically (return to 1913 levels by 1926) ; growth of Kulaks and Nepmen; large crime levels
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Why did the CP turn towards a command economy?
Ideology: NEP was too capitalist (Stalin use this too consolidate his power) Economics: NEP was slowing down by 1928 and Russia still far behind European economies
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What were the key features of the 5 year plans?
State planning (Gosplan); Heavy focus on heavy industry; mass mobilisation of human resources
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What was the focus of the 1st and 2nd 5YP?
Heavy industry, infrastructure
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What was the focus of the 3rd 5YP?
Arms to counter threat of Nazi Germany
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What were the successes of the 5YP's?
Turned the USSR into a modern economic superpower; 17% growth rate between 1928-41; huge new industrial centres (Magnitogorsk) set up; defended the USSR from invasion
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In what ways did the 5YP's fail?
Health of workers and environment suffered dramatically
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Overall, would you consider the 5YP's to be a success?
Totally. The main aim was to prevent the USSR being 'crushed' by western invasion and the USSR successfully defended themselves.
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What Economic reasons was collectivisation launched?
Larger farming areas=greater efficiency and more food for the countryside; Mechanisation would release workers for the growing towns and cities
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What political reason were there for launching collectivisation?
Extend revolution to countryside; chance to liquidate capitalist classes (Kulaks); increase control over peasants where CP support wasnt high
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What were MTS's?
'Machine and Tractor Stations.' Government run centres to supply farm machinery to collectives
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How many farms were collectivised by 1937?
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Was collectivisation a peaceful process?
No. In places like Ukraine, 'Dekulakisation squads' were sent in to forcibly set up collectives- Cuased a temporary backdown ('Dizzy with Success')
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In economic terms was collectivisation a success?
No. Lack of tractors and no kulaks meant agri. productiojn fell causing a famine (4 million deaths in 1933 alone)
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Name of possible Stalins policy of deliberate genocide against the Ukrainians
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In what respects was collectiveisation a success?
Achieved Stalin's political aims: Imposed party control over countryside and abolishion of the 'mir'.
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What effects did WW2 have on the Soviet economy?
Devastating: Steel production down 1/3; Grain production down 2/3; 25 million homeless
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What was the priority for the 4th 5YP?
Economic reconstruction
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Was the 4th 5YP successful?
Plan was overfulfiled. Process was still heavily geared towards heavy industry however
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How well did Soviet industry recover after WW2?
Very well considering conditions in 1945
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How did Soviet agriculture recover?
V. slowly. Agri. productivity in 1953 was lower than in 1913
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What did Khrushchev want to focus on more?
Light industry, comsumer goods, chemicals
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What did Khrushchev do to try to invigorate the Soviet economy?
Liberman Plan: Regional Economic Councils; More influence of factory managers over production
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What effects did Khrushhev's reforms have on industry?
Not totally effective; Conservatives in Politburo often watered down reforms and ideas like party sectors only confused officials
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What did Khrushchev do to agriculture?
Abolish MTS's; enlarge collectives into 'agrogoroda'; allow peasants to sell produce made on private plots; Virgin Lands Scheme
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What was an 'agrogoroda'?
Large collective which linked food production and food proccessing
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What agricultural results were there due to Khrushchev's reforms
Output inreased 51% and farmers wages doubled 1953-58; productivity still low and VLS failure
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What did Brezhnev do to ind. and agri.?
Reverse Khrushchev's reforms that were seen as 'hare-brained' and displeased central planners
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What were the Kosygin reforms?
Reforms put forwards by Kosygin to try to imprpve innovation and iniciative. Watered down to uselessness by conservatives in the Politburo
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What were the reasons for Soviet economic decline?
Stalinist legacy; outdated technology; command economy flaws; military-industrial complex dominance
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What was the main reason for Soviet economic decline and why?
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What policies were introduced under State Capitalism?
Land Decree; Decree on Worker's Control; Nationalisation of all banks
Card 3
What effect did State Cap. have on the economy
Card 4
Why was War Communism introduced?
Card 5
What were the main features of War Communism?
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