French Revolution; Alexander I's soldiers followed Napoleon back to Paris and bought Western Ideas back to Russia
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Which war commenced in 1853 - 1856?
The Crimean War; exposed the backwardness of Russia and how shockingly awful their military was
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1885 - 1881? How is this linked to 1881?
Alexander II's rule (The Tsar Liberator); Alexander II was assassinated in 1881 by the Peoples Will
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1861? What rights did this entail?
The Emancipation Edict for the serfs, they could: marry who they chose without permission, their children could move to the cities, they had land (but had to pay redemption payments)
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What lasted 49 years, ending in 1907?
Redemption Payments; had to pay 6% of their income to the landowners, then to the Land Captains in 1889
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How many serfs were freed?
50 million
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How many peasant uprisings were there due to the Emanciption Edict?
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What was created in 1864?
The Zemstva - a diluted form of localised government
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How many students were in University under Alexander II?
Rose from 3,600 to 10,000
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Which Tsar was in power from 1881 - 1894?
Alexander III (The Tsar Repressor)
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Which Order was passed in 1881?
The Statute Concerning Measures for the Protection of State Security and Social Order
Growth of opposition groups: Narodniks, Land and Libery, People's Will
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What was created for the peasents in 1883?
Peasant Land Bank
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What happened to 17 of 39 Russia's provinces in 1891? Why?
A great famine; a mixtue of poor weather, a dry autumn and freezing winter (- 31°C), flooding of Volga river which then froze, an uncommonly powerful wind in spring and a dry summer
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Why did the economy and industry boom during 1892 - 1893?
Sergi Witte's 'Great Spurt', after this there was 8% growth p/a in 1890's
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How many excecutions were carried out under Alexander III?
44, including Lenins older brother in 1887
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How many decrees were passed in 1881? Give examples
600 decrees against Jews, these included: cannot sell alcohol, no education, no marraige
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What year was the placement of the rouble on the Gold Standard?
1897; this encoraged foreign countries to trade and invest now there was a stability of Russias currency
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By how much did fees for University go up under Alexander III?
They quadrupled (x4); this stopped social mobility, only autoracts and nobility could afford it
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What happens in 1894?
Alexander III dies, his son Nicholas II came into power from 1894 - 1917, the last Tsar of Russia
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Which groups formed in 1901 and 1903?
1901 - Social Revolutionaries (SR's) 1903 -
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Which war commenced in 1853 - 1856?
The Crimean War; exposed the backwardness of Russia and how shockingly awful their military was
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