what Historian suggested the three types of russifcation?
Edward C. Thaden
3 of 20
what were the reasons for russifcation?
safeguard borders, the great game, to bring about a common language, to bring about common loyaty to the Tsar,to reduce non-russian culture
4 of 20
name the ways in which russification was enforced?
Missionary work, mobile schools,Evangelism, repression and persecution,Linguistic and Agriculture
5 of 20
what is russifcation?
• Russification or Russianization is a form of cultural assimilation process during which non-Russian communities, voluntarily or not, give up their culture and language in favour of the Russian one.
6 of 20
what does Rossiiskii mean?
born in Russia
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what does Russkii mean?
travelled over to live in Russia
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what religion was seen as supreme?
9 of 20
what surname ending meant you were a pure russian?
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what were there a lack of in russia?
a strict racial hierachy
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the name kingdom of poland was abolished for what name?
Vistula land
12 of 20
once you converted to orthodoxy were you free to convert back?
13 of 20
who were the authors of russian land reform in poland?
Nikolay Milyutin and Yury Samarin
14 of 20
what was the jewish religion seen as?
Asian, medieval, and backward
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jews were allowed to what in society?
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what anti-polish reform happened in 1880?
all schools even the primary schools had to been taught in Russian
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private education in poland was?
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in what year were all ukrian documents other than historical documents written in russian?
19 of 20
historian and the book important for this topic
• Russification: Word and Practice 1863-1914 - Theodore Weeks
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
what were the three types of russifcation?
unplanned, administrative, and cultural
Card 3
what Historian suggested the three types of russifcation?
Card 4
what were the reasons for russifcation?
Card 5
name the ways in which russification was enforced?
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