must be a bringing onto the land and accumulating, of a thing likely to cause mischief if it escapes, which amounts to a non-natural use of the land, and which does escape and causes damage
3 of 10
what was the only case where personal injury was successfully claimed for?
Hale v Jennings
4 of 10
what happened in this case?
D operated a chair o plane ride, one of the chairs broke loose and hit c. this was decided to amount to an escape for the purposes of rylands v fletcher because it met all principles
5 of 10
what case is linked to the defendant bringing something onto their land?
rylands v fletcher
6 of 10
what case is linked to 'of a thing likely to cause mischief it is escpae'
hale v jennings
7 of 10
which case is linked it amounting to a non natural use of the land?
mason v levy auto parts ltd
8 of 10
what case is linked to 'does escape and causes damage'?
read v lyons ltd- explosion at work-no escape
9 of 10
what are the defences to rylands v fletcher?
consent of the C to the storage, the escape was the fault of C, the escape was the act of a stranger, the escape was an act of God, D had a statutory authority to the storage
10 of 10
Other cards in this set
Card 2
what does this mean?
no need to prove intention
Card 3
what was the principles from rylands v fletcher?
Card 4
what was the only case where personal injury was successfully claimed for?
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