Samba El Preludio 0.0 / 5 ? MusicSamba Em PreludioGCSEEdexcel Created by: benp27Created on: 05-06-18 12:48 Who is Samba Em Preludio by? Esperanza Spalding 1 of 20 Who is the original version by? Roberto Baden Powell 2 of 20 When was this song composed? 1962 3 of 20 What is the style of this song? Samba / bossa nova 4 of 20 Describe the structure of this song Intro, verse 1, break, verse 2, instrumental, verse 3, coda 5 of 20 What is the key? B minor 6 of 20 What is the tempo of the intro? Free time - no clear pulse 7 of 20 Describe the texture of the intro Monophonic 8 of 20 How is the word setting in verse 1? Syllabic 9 of 20 What is the texture of verse 1? Homophonic 10 of 20 Describe the bass in verse 1 Active, playing rapid semiquaver passage and double stops 11 of 20 True or false: Rubarto is NOT used in verse 1 False - It is used throughout 12 of 20 What element of verse 1 give jazz-like ideas? Flattened 5ths 13 of 20 How does the tempo change during the break section? Gets faster 14 of 20 In verse 2, what changes with the instrumentation? Acoustic guitar joins the accompaniment, playing plucked chords 15 of 20 Is there a perfect cadence in verse 2? Yes 16 of 20 Describe the guitar solo during the instrumental Guitar solo is overdubbed 17 of 20 How is the texture in verse 3? Polyphonic, and more sparse 18 of 20 What happens to the tempo during the coda? Free time, no clear pulse 19 of 20 True or false: there is a bass flourish in the coda False: there is a GUITAR flourish 20 of 20