Schizophrenia - SS2 - Explanations - Genetic Model - Research 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologySchizophreniaA2/A-levelAQA Created by: melissaellis96Created on: 05-06-14 19:43 Which 4 psychologists support the genetic model? Gottesman, Rosenthal, Gottesman and Tienari 1 of 9 How many studies did Gottesman summarise? 40 2 of 9 What concordance rates were found for monozygotic twins & dizygotic twins with schizophrenia? 48% and 17% 3 of 9 Who did Rosenthal study? The Genain quadruplets - all identical, all with schizophrenia 4 of 9 What else did they have? A dreadful and abnormal childhood - nurture may have led to schizophrenia 5 of 9 What concordance rates did Gottesman find for: both parents; one parent and a sibling with schizophrenia? 46%, 16% and 8% 6 of 9 According to Tienari, what % of those with and without biological schizophrenic mothers developed schizophrenia? 10.3% with a schizophrenic mother developed it, and 1.1% without developed it 7 of 9 What practical applications are there? Genetic counselling to discuss risks and concordance rates 8 of 9 What does it ignore the role of? Nurture 9 of 9
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