Which 3 psychologists support socio-cultural explanations?
Laing, Lidz et al and Fromm-Reichmann
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What did Laing claim schizophrenia was?
The sane response to a dysfunctional family environment - helps ppl deal with the maladaptive family unit
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Which terms did Lidz introduce?
Schism - a relationship where parents are emotionally distant from one another & Skew - a marriage wherer one partner is dominant and the other submissive
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What does this lead to?
Psychological damage to the child = schizophrenia as of abnormal patterns of communication
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What did Fromm-Reichmann introduce?
The schizophrenogenic mother
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Which 3 psychologists go against the theory?
Liem, Kavanagh and Mischler & Waxler
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What did Liem find with parents of non-schizophrenics?
Their patterns of communicaiton were no different
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What did Kavanagh find about expressed emotion?
It has been well supported as a factor in maintenance rather than a cause - 4x likley to relapse if EE is high
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What did Mischler & Waxler find?
Significant differences in the way that mothers spoke to their schizophrenic daughters = may be the schizophrenia that causes abnormal patterns of communication, not the family
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What PAs are there?
Family therapy to change how people communcate
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What ethical implications are there?
Socially sensetive to blame family and parents for development of schizophrenia
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What does the Diatheses Stress Model suggest?
You must have a certain biological pre-disposition for schizophrenia, then it takes an environmental trigger to cause schizophrenia
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Card 2
What did Laing claim schizophrenia was?
The sane response to a dysfunctional family environment - helps ppl deal with the maladaptive family unit
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