cells are the basic building blocks of all animal humans and plants. in cells there is cytoplasm,cell membrane,nucleus and mitochondria. in plant cells there is a vacuole,cell wall and chloroplasts.
1 of 6
what are elements?
an element is a substance that can not be broken down into any other substances.there are about 100 elements each with its own atom.
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what is diffusion?
diffution is the movement of a substance from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.
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what is electricity?
electricity is the flow or presence of charged particals. an electric current is the flow of electrons around a circuit.
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static electricity?
it is when two objects are rubbed together electrons are transferred from one object to another
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electric current?
electric curcuits can be series of parallel. an ammeter measures a current and a volmeter measures a potential difference.
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Card 2
what are elements?
an element is a substance that can not be broken down into any other substances.there are about 100 elements each with its own atom.
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