plants, animals, fungi, protoctists and prokaryotes
1 of 6
state one physical barrier, in the human body, that helps prevent disease.
skin, cilia or mucus
2 of 6
Describe one chemical barrier, in the human body, that helps prevent disease.
you can get lysozyme in your tears
3 of 6
Height can be due to environmental and genetic variations. State two causes of genetic variation.
• mutations (in genes) / changes in the DNA / genes • sexual reproduction / inherit (genes) from both parents
4 of 6
State the two organs in the body most affected by long term alcohol abuse.
brain or liver
5 of 6
Describe how type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes are controlled.
• insulin is produced and secreted by endocrine gland (pancreas) Type 1 diabetes • type 1 diabetes is caused by a lack of insulin production • type 1 diabetes can be controlled by injecting insulin • into subcutaneous fat Type 2 diabetes • type 2 dia
6 of 6
Other cards in this set
Card 2
state one physical barrier, in the human body, that helps prevent disease.
skin, cilia or mucus
Card 3
Describe one chemical barrier, in the human body, that helps prevent disease.
Card 4
Height can be due to environmental and genetic variations. State two causes of genetic variation.
Card 5
State the two organs in the body most affected by long term alcohol abuse.
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