CO2 forms 0.04% of normal air. Over 1% are toxic to plants and animals. A greenhouse is at 0.1%. Raising the concentration higher has no effecton photosynthesis, so NOT cost effective for farmers to add more CO2.
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Why do different locations matter?
Only when we plant vegataion will it grow there, but not in the natural ecosystem. Great variety of plants have evolved to take advantage of habitats all over the earth.
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What do plants need?
Some grow better in shade, some in light. Some need plenty of water, some not as much (Cactus). All need minerals, water and light in the right amounts to grow well.
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Different habitats, Different conditions?
woodland - rich for many plants and animals. Sunlight absorbed by tall trees, holding up their leaves to get max photosynthesis.
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How does floor plants get light?
Breaks through the trees and passes through, but most of the floor is shade. Only SPECIALISED plants are able to grow and survive.
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Different Habitats with plants?
they grow in certain locations due to these factors: soil pH, temperature, light intensity and availability of water.
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Photosynthesis reaction?
CO2 + H2O = Glucose. Sunlight is converted to energy held in glusoce. Cells release energy in glucose in respiration. This is carefully coordinated series of chemical reaction only in living organisms.
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What respiration does in plants?
Releases energy in a form cells can use for processes like active transport, movement and building molecules used for growth and repair.
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Aerobic respiration?
Billions of cells carry out chemical reactions every second to keep alive. Cells need a constant supply of energy to drive these reactions. Food provides molecules to make new cells, and store chemical reactions. Converted by Respiration - energy.
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Energy from aerobic respiration?
Most of the energy comes from aerobic respiration. During this, glucose from food reacts with oxygen. the reactions relsease energy from the glucose.
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Respiration formula?
C6H12O6 (Glucose) + 6O2 (Oxygen) --> 6CO2 (CO2) + 6H2O (Water) + energy released. This is a long series of reactions.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Why do different locations matter?
Only when we plant vegataion will it grow there, but not in the natural ecosystem. Great variety of plants have evolved to take advantage of habitats all over the earth.
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