What is the difference between a rock and a mineral?
A mineral is what makes up a rock
1 of 15
What is a permeable rock?
It is a rock which water can run through
2 of 15
Name two types of weathering that can happen to rocks.
Chemical weathering and physical weathering
3 of 15
How are sedimentary rocks formed?
Layers of sediment are deposited on the sea bed and more and more layers occur so the bottom layers are pushed down by pressure
4 of 15
What is the order of the planets in our solar system?
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,Neptune and Uranus
5 of 15
Why does Earth have days?
Because the Earth spins on its axis so when it is facing the sun it is day and when its not its night
6 of 15
Why do we have leap years?
We have leap years because the Earths year is 365.25 days long so every four years there is an extra day
7 of 15
What are the different parts of a plant cell?
It has nucleus, mitochondria, cytoplasm, ribsomes, cell wall, cell membrane
8 of 15
What is a contact and non contact force?
A contact force is a force that needs to be touching the object for the force to act on it and a non contact force doesn't need to touch
9 of 15
how do you calculate density?
Divide the mass by the volume?
10 of 15
What is the difference between weight and mass?
Weight is how much gravity is pulling down on something and mass is the amount of matter which makes something up
11 of 15
What instrument is used for measuring electricity?
12 of 15
What does a resistor do in a circuit?
It only lets a certain amount of electricity at once
13 of 15
What does a fuse do?
It is a piece of wire that will melt if the current gets too big
14 of 15
What is the difference between a series and parallel circuit?
A series circuit only has one way round the circuit and series has two ways of going round so if a bulb blows on a parallel circuit the circuit still works
15 of 15
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is a permeable rock?
It is a rock which water can run through
Card 3
Name two types of weathering that can happen to rocks.
Card 4
How are sedimentary rocks formed?
Card 5
What is the order of the planets in our solar system?
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