we discover new species and learn more about species we already know of so classifications systems have to adapt to fit new findings
5 of 18
What does an evolutionary tree show?
the evolutionary relationships of organisms, showing common ancestors and how closely related two species are
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what is a species?
a group of organisms which can interbreed to produce fertile offspring
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what two things makes classifying organisms difficult?
asexual reproduction - bacteria make copies instead of interbreeding, and hybrids produced by two organisms from different species are infertile so can't be a new species
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what is the binomial system and how does it avoid confusion between scientists from different countries?
a two part latin name for all species consisting of genus and species. It is the same in every country/language
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what does it mean if species have recent common ancestors?
they are closely related and often look alike/live in similar habitats
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advantage and disadvantage of using pyramid of biomass
advantage: it is very accurate. disadvantage: for a pyramid of biomass you use the dry biomass of organisms, meaning you have to kill them
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why can pyramids of numbers be odd shaped at times?
if there is one pear tree feeding a lot of aphids for example, then it is top heavy. Also, if there are lots of fleas feeding on 5 foxes making it more top heavy
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explain the four ways energy is lost at each trophic level of a food chain
heat, respiration to stay alive, egestion - food which can't be digested passes out the body and exretion - waste products of bodily processes released
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how do you work out efficiency?
(useful energy / total energy) x 100
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what is interspecific competition?
competition between organisms from different species for resources
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what is intraspecific competition?
competition between individuals in the same species for resources
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explain the predator prey cycle
if the population of prey increases, so does population of predators. they are out of phase as it takes a while for one population to respond to changes in other
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what is a parasitic relationship?
they live off a host and take what they need to survive, without giving anything back
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
phylum, class, order, family, genus and species
what is kingdom split into? (in order)
Card 3
genetic similarities between organisms
Card 4
appearance of organisms
Card 5
we discover new species and learn more about species we already know of so classifications systems have to adapt to fit new findings
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