science flashcards biology 2
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- Created by: Rachel Adams
- Created on: 19-05-13 13:34
how do adaptations help organisms survive?
features which make them better suited to their environmente and better able to compete for resources, reproduce and pass on adaptations to offspring
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what is a specialist?
organisms which are highly adapted to surivive in a specific habitat
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what is a generalist?
organisms that are adapted to survive in a range of different habitats
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name and explain two biochemical adaptations to extreme conditions
extremophile bacteria - have enzymes which work best in higher optimum temperatures. Antifreeze proteins - proteins which interfere with grown and formation of ice crystals in cells, preventing damage
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give two examples of anatomical adaptations to reduce heat loss
layer of blubber to insulate body and trap heat, large but compact body shape to give small surface area to volume ratio
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explain how counter current heat echange works
blood vessels going to and from feet have blood which flows in opposite directions, the vessels pass close to each other, allowing heat to transfer between them. This means feet stay cold, but body stays warm
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give two examples of behavioural adaptations to reduce heat loss
species migrate, some hibernate to save energy and animal doesn't have to find food or keep warm
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give two examples of anatomical adaptations to increase heat loss
small - increase surface area to volume ratio, have large thin ears to allow more blood to flow near surface of skin
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give plant adaptations to dry environments
round shape giving small surface area to volume, thick waxy layer - cuticle, and spines instead of leaves to reduce water loss, store water in stems, shallow and long roots to absorb as much water quickly over large area
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give animal adaptations to dry environments
produce concentrated urine, no sweat glands to reduce water loss, lots of time underground where air is more moist
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explain natural selection
organisms best adapted are more successful competitors and more likely to survive - survival of the fittest. They reproduce and pass on adaptations to offspring. Over time, successful adaptations become more common in population and species evolves
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why was Larmack's theory rejected?
Because acquired characteristics can not be passed on through generations, as they don't have a genetic basis.
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how is carbon removed from the atmosphere?
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how is carbon put back into the atomosphere?
plant and animal respirations, decay and burning
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Why is nitrogen needed?
makes proteins for growth and repair
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what do decomposers do to nitrogen?
they break down proteins and urea and turn them into ammonia
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what do nitrifying bacteria do?
turn ammonia into nitrates
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what do nitrogen fixing bacteria do?
turn nitrogen into nitrogen compounds accessible to plants
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what do denitrifying bacteria do?
turn nitrates into nitrogen
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explain global warming, one of the main problems caused by pollution
fossil fuels burned, release CO2 (greenhouse gas). These gases trap heat in atmosphere and cause global temp to rise.
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explain acid rain, one of the main problems caused by pollution
fossil fuels burned release sulfur dioxide, reacts with water to form sulfuric acid which falls as acid
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explain ozone depletion, one of the main problems caused by pollution
CFCs in aerosols break down ozone in atmosphere, allowing more UV rays to reach earth's surface. Increases risk of skin cnacer.
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advantages of using indicator species to measure pollution levels
quick, cheap and easy. No expensive equipment needed.
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Diadvantages of using indicator species to measure pollution levels
not always reliable
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advantages of non living methods to measure pollution
numerical and reliable
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disadvantages of non living methods to measure pollution
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what is sustainable development?
providing for the needs of today's increasing population without harming the environment. Should take a small amount to make sure numbers replenish and don't become extinct
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
what is a specialist?
organisms which are highly adapted to surivive in a specific habitat
Card 3
what is a generalist?

Card 4
name and explain two biochemical adaptations to extreme conditions

Card 5
give two examples of anatomical adaptations to reduce heat loss

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