The way in which jobs are divided up between two or more people, e.g. who does particular tasks in a household
Division of labour
1 of 24
Emphasizes that the position of women in society varies and women cannot be seen as a single, united group
Difference feminism
2 of 24
Love that is dependent upon partners benefiting from the relationship rather than on unconditional devotion
Confluent love
3 of 24
Sees children as being born good but requiring the good aspects of their nature to be coaxed out of them sympathetically
Apollonian image of the child
4 of 24
The number of years since you were born
Chronological age
5 of 24
Kin who keep in touch with one another but are geographically spread out
Dispersed extended family
6 of 24
The number of people in non-economically active age groups (children and retired) relative to the size of the population of working age
Dependency ratio
7 of 24
The time and effort involved thinking about and acting to produce the emotional well-being and happiness of others
Emotion work
8 of 24
The interrelationships between people related by blood or marriage regardless of whether they live together
Extended kinship network
9 of 24
Sets of policies which make assumptions about the roles of men and women in family life
Gender regimes
10 of 24
The belief that all sexually intimate relationships should be based on heterosexuality
11 of 24
According to Poulantzas, parts of society which encourage people to accept the values favoured by the ruling class and which help to maintain capitalist society
Ideological state apparatus
12 of 24
Something which is mainstream and male-domintated or biased in favour of men
13 of 24
A family headed by the mother where she is not co-resident with a male partner
Matrifocal family
14 of 24
A society in which people's impressions of reality is largely shaped by high levels of exposure to the mass media
Media-saturated society
15 of 24
Behaviour where sex can be for pleasure as well as for conceiving children
Plastic sexuality
16 of 24
The era following modernity in which rationality becomes less important, image becomes more important and in which many old social divisions break down
17 of 24
The first stage of the process through which children learn the culture of their society. This takes place in the family
Primary socialisation
18 of 24
Factors attracting international migrants to move to a particular country
Pull factors
19 of 24
Factors encouraging international migrants to leave a particular country
Push factors
20 of 24
The movement of people between social groups, especially social classes
Social mobility
21 of 24
To Parsons, the role of the family in maintaing the psychological health of adults by providing warmth and security and allowning them to act out childish elements in their personality
Stabilisation of adult personalities
22 of 24
In Marxist theory, the group in society who are dominated by the ruling class
Subject class
23 of 24
Duncombe and Marsden. Paid work, domestic work and emotion work
Triple shift
24 of 24

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Emphasizes that the position of women in society varies and women cannot be seen as a single, united group


Difference feminism

Card 3


Love that is dependent upon partners benefiting from the relationship rather than on unconditional devotion


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Card 4


Sees children as being born good but requiring the good aspects of their nature to be coaxed out of them sympathetically


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Card 5


The number of years since you were born


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