SCLY3 Mass Media 0.0 / 5 ? SociologyMass MediaA2/A-levelAQA Created by: scjmanCreated on: 26-04-14 13:51 Marcuse (1964) said that the media creates "..... ....." false needs 1 of 14 This theorist described the media as "the new opiate of the people" Milliband 2 of 14 ............ Model theorists believe that the media serves the interests of the powerful Manipulative 3 of 14 .......... believe that the media really is as democratic and impartial as it seems pluralists 4 of 14 .... ...... are traits that make a story newsworthy, according to Hetherington (1980) news values 5 of 14 This theorist states that ownership and control no longer necessarily mean the same thing Burnham 6 of 14 An exaggerated media reaction to a social group perceived as problematic is a ..... ..... moral panic 7 of 14 This theorist studied representations of ethnicity in the news Van Dijk 8 of 14 The conducter of the "Nationwide Audience" study Morley 9 of 14 Where real life imitates the media hyperreality 10 of 14 Facebook, YouTube and blogging are all examples of the "... ....." new media 11 of 14 ............. of ownership and control in media companies is where larger companies buy smaller ones concentration 12 of 14 Fesbach and Sanger found that people exposed to violent media became less violent-the "......... effect" cathartic 13 of 14 The research of this psychologist supports the view that there is a direct correlation between media violence and actual violence Bandura 14 of 14
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