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- Created by: hollyyyt
- Created on: 05-01-16 12:25
A. C.Wright Mills
1 of 47
A1. 'New Men of Power' (1948)
2 of 47
A2. 'White Collar' (1951)
Insurance, banking developing
3 of 47
A3. 'The Power Elite' (1956)
The people who pull the strings in society
4 of 47
A4. 'The Sociological Imagination' (1959)
Draw together the things he had been looking at. "The sociological imagination enables its possessor to understand the larger historical scene in terms of its meaning for the inner life and the external career of a variety of individuals". (C. Wright
5 of 47
B. Critique of sociology
6 of 47
B1. Opposition to 'grand theory'
So big you can't understand it. "Among what I shall call Grand Theorists, conceptions have indeed become Concepts." (Mills, C. Wright)
7 of 47
B2. Attack on 'abstracted empiricism'
Narrow conclusions - don't relate to the rest of society
8 of 47
B3. Suspicion of sceptical philosophies of science
Suspicious that sociology is a science. "Much that has passed for 'science' is now felt to be dubious philosophy; much that is held to be 'real science' is often felt to provide only confused fragments of the realities among which men live." (Mills)
9 of 47
B4. Hostility to being driven by practical concerns
Didn't want sociologists to be employed by politicians
10 of 47
B5. Resistance to bureaucratisation in universities and elsewhere
Sociology could be what resists this. "Everywhere in the overdeveloped world, the means of authority and of violence become total in scope and bureaucratic in form." (Mills, C. Wright)
11 of 47
C. Proposal for how to do it
12 of 47
C1. Explore and interpret the full spectrum of human diversity
Pay attention to detail
13 of 47
C2. Recognise historical situatedness
14 of 47
C3. Embrace a spirit of reason: argument and evidence
15 of 47
C4. Admit this is necessarily a political enterprise
16 of 47
C5. Adopt a crafts-manlike mentality: care, rigour, attention to detail
17 of 47
C6. Be honest!
18 of 47
C7. Write as clearly and simply as possible
Avoid jargon and difficult sentences - on this point he failed
19 of 47
D. A Definition of Sociology
20 of 47
D1. The relationship between public issues and private troubles
I.e. government policies and our feelings/anxieties/obstacles are bound together. "Many great public issues as well as many private troubles are described in terms of 'the psychiatric' - often, it seems, in a pathetic attempt to avoid large issues"
21 of 47
D2. Seeing each in the context of the other: about connections
"Seldom aware of the intricate connection between the patterns of their own lives and the course of world history, ordinary men do not usually know what this connection means for the kinds of men they are becoming" (Mills, C. Wright)
22 of 47
E. Other ways of formulating the definition
23 of 47
E1. History and biography
"They do not possess the quality of mind essential to grasp the interplay of man and society, of biography and history, of self and world. (Mills, C. Wright)
24 of 47
E2. Social structure and everyday milieu
25 of 47
F. The birth of the discipline (recap)
26 of 47
F1. Industrialisation
27 of 47
F2. The transition from feudalism to capitalism
28 of 47
F3. Urbanisation
29 of 47
F4. Migration
30 of 47
F5. Protestantism
31 of 47
F6. Secularisation
32 of 47
F7. Democracy and the start of individual citizenship.
33 of 47
G. Where are we now?
34 of 47
G1. Rapid technological change, especially around networks.
Mobile communications.
35 of 47
G2. Digital mobile communication
36 of 47
G5. Globalisation
Is it a good thing?
37 of 47
G7. Crises in social, political and economic life
38 of 47
H. How are these connections made?
39 of 47
H1. The media
40 of 47
H2. National and local politics, the 'public sphere'
41 of 47
H3. Experiences of the consequences of policy
42 of 47
H4. Grass-roots organisations, protest and mobilisation
43 of 47
H5. Access to communication technologies
44 of 47
I. On academic language
45 of 47
I1. On Talcott Parsons
He hated Talcott Parsons
46 of 47
I2. On Erving Goffman
47 of 47
Other cards in this set
Card 2
A1. 'New Men of Power' (1948)
Card 3
Insurance, banking developing

Card 4
The people who pull the strings in society

Card 5
Draw together the things he had been looking at. "The sociological imagination enables its possessor to understand the larger historical scene in terms of its meaning for the inner life and the external career of a variety of individuals". (C. Wright

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