Sczd biological explanations quiz

A small quiz on the biological explanations of sczd

  • Created by: Laura
  • Created on: 24-01-13 12:02
What studies do genetic explanations use to test biological theories?
Family studies, twin studies, adoption studies
1 of 9
What family member carries the highest concordance rate?
Both parents = 46%
2 of 9
What is a MZ twin?
Monozygotic twin
3 of 9
What is the concordance rate for DZ twins? (Gottesman)
4 of 9
What is an evaluative point on MZ twin studies?
MZ twins are quite often treated the same therefore might not be 100% genetic factors
5 of 9
What is a major debate to do with sczd?
Nature vs nurture
6 of 9
What is an alternative biological explanation to sczd?
The dopamine hypothesis
7 of 9
What happened when non-schizophrenics were given excess dopamine?
They developed schizophrenia symptoms
8 of 9
What is one issue with these explanations?
Reductionist - reducing it to brain chemicals is too simple
9 of 9

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Card 2


What family member carries the highest concordance rate?


Both parents = 46%

Card 3


What is a MZ twin?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the concordance rate for DZ twins? (Gottesman)


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is an evaluative point on MZ twin studies?


Preview of the front of card 5
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