Section 1 GCSE Spanish USEFUL ACRONYMS 0.0 / 5 ? SpanishGrammar and vocabularyGCSEEdexcel Created by: GSidhuCreated on: 05-08-18 17:55 European Union UE 1 of 10 Fast train service TALGO 2 of 10 High speed train AVE 3 of 10 ID card DNI (documento nacional de identidad) 4 of 10 Secondary education ESO (Educación Secundaria Obligatoria) 5 of 10 Secondary school CES (Colegio de Enseñanza Secundaria) 6 of 10 Spanish national railway company RENFE 7 of 10 Spanish public radio channel RNE 8 of 10 Spanish public TV and radio channel RTVE 9 of 10 USA EE.UU. 10 of 10
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