This is where the defendant intentionally makes an unwarranted demand with menaces with an intent to gain for himself/another or cause loss to another.
1 of 11
What section of the Theft Act is Blackmail?
Section 21
2 of 11
Which case says that a demand can be implied if a reasonable person looking on would think it was?
Collister v Warhurst
3 of 11
Which case says you have to have done everything possible to make the demand?
4 of 11
What does Thorne say menaces means?
Anything unpleasant or detrimental to the person being threatened.
5 of 11
Which case says the menaces cant be too mild?
6 of 11
Which case says that menaces can be something that affects a person that would be easily influenced if the person making the threat realises they will be easily influenced?
7 of 11
Which case says that threatening someone to give them a pain relieving injection was intent to gain for himself?
8 of 11
What is the first part of the defence for Blackmail?
Did the defendant believe he had reasonable grounds for making the demand?
9 of 11
What is the second part of the defence for Blackmail?
Honest belief that the menaces were proper means of enforcing the demand?
10 of 11
Which case says that 'proper' means cant include unlawful acts?
11 of 11
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What section of the Theft Act is Blackmail?
Section 21
Card 3
Which case says that a demand can be implied if a reasonable person looking on would think it was?
Card 4
Which case says you have to have done everything possible to make the demand?
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