S.76 of the Criminal Justice and Immigration Act 2008
Elements of self defence
1 of 10
S.3(1) Of the Criminal Law Act 1967
Added prevention of crime to the elements of the defence
2 of 10
R v Williams
Is force justified? - A mistake can be made if it is genuine (In this case, the defendent hit the victim thinking they were attacking a younger male when they were not)
3 of 10
R v Beckford
Is force justified? - Can make a mistake as long as it is genuine (In this case, a police officer shot the victim after being told he was armed and dangerous although he was in fact, not armed at all)
4 of 10
R v O’Grady
You cannot make an intoxicated mistake
5 of 10
R v Clegg
Force is reasonable if it is in proportion to the threat (In this case, soldior shot at a car as it was driving away and the threat had gone)
6 of 10
R v Martin
Force is reasonable if it is in proportion to the threat (In this case, a famer shot a young boy that was stealing from him)
7 of 10
R v Bird
There is no duty to retreat (girl pushed and injured her ex-boyfriend after he pushed her)
8 of 10
R v Beckford
Pre-emptive strikes are allowed within the defence
9 of 10
Attorney Generals reference #2
Force is reasonable if it is reasonable in the circumstances (Shop owner made petrol bombs during the riots to protect his shop)
10 of 10
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Added prevention of crime to the elements of the defence
S.3(1) Of the Criminal Law Act 1967
Card 3
Is force justified? - A mistake can be made if it is genuine (In this case, the defendent hit the victim thinking they were attacking a younger male when they were not)
Card 4
Is force justified? - Can make a mistake as long as it is genuine (In this case, a police officer shot the victim after being told he was armed and dangerous although he was in fact, not armed at all)
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