Selfish Genes
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- Created by: Z0ology
- Created on: 02-10-22 10:27
What is the term for this definition: changes brought about during evolution by the process of natural selection
1 of 43
What is the term for this definition: change in heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive generations
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Adaptation = changes brought about during *BLANK* by the process of *Natural Selection*
Evolution, Natural selection
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Evolution = change *BLANK* of biological populations over *BLANK*
In heritable characteristics, Successive generations
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How many requirements are there for natural selection to operate
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Natural selection only works on *BLANK*
Genetic differences
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How many behaviour to evolve how many things must be In place
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What animal perform cleaning behaviours
Western honeybees (Apis mellifera)
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Survival + Reproductive success = *BLANK*
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What does survival mean
Longer life = more opportunities for reproduction
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What does reproductive success mean
More offspring = higher genetic contribution to the next generation
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Gene-centered view helps explain why individuals do what
sometimes help others to survive at a cost to themselves
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Who suggested the concept of selfish genes
Richard Dawkins
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What is the selfish gene theory
When alleles increase their own frequency and decrease the frequency of alternative/competing alleles,
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The idea of gene-centred evolution and selfish genes can help us to explain what type of behaviour in animals
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What is alturism
actor performs action at a cost to themselves but benefits* another
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What is selfishness
actor performs action that reduces the benefit* to another (Benefit here is taken to mean gaining offspring)
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What are concepts to consider when thinking about evolution of altruism
Kin selection
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What is hamiltons rule for altruism
r B – C > 0
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in hamiltons rules (for altruism) what does the r stand for
coefficient of relatedness
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in hamiltons rules (for altruism) what does the b stand for
fitness benefit to the receiver
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in hamiltons rules (for altruism) what does the c stand for
fitness cost to the performer
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What does fitness mean
Average genetic contribution to the gene pool of the next generation
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Direction fitness + indirection fitness = *BLANK* fitness
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what does direction fitness mean
Genes contributed by producing offspring that survive
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What does indirection fitness mean
Genes contributed indirectly via helping related individuals
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what does inclusive fitness mean
Sum of direct and indirect fitness
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What is the green beard effect in kin recognition
when individuals of a species help others that have the same obvious trait as them
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What is phenotype matching in kin recognition
Animals learn and use own phenotypes as reference for recognition of relatives based on sound, odour, appearance cues etc.
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what is location in kin recognition
Treat anyone in my home as kin
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what is familiarity
Who you grow up with is kin
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what animals use green beard effect in kin recognition
fire ant (Solenopsis invicta)
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What animals use phenotype matching
golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus)
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what animals use location as kin recognition
reed warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus)
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what animaluses familiarity as kin recognition
ground squirrels (Marmotini)
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Selfish behaviours: *BLANK* to the actor and *BLANK* to the recipient of the behaviour
Beneficial, Costly
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What animal has selfish restrain behaviour
Arizona tiger salamanders (Ambystoma mavortium)
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What is spite behaviour
Actions are costly to both actor and recipient
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In hamiltons rule, (in relation to spite) what does c stand for
Fitness cost to the performer
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In hamiltons rule, (in relation to spite) what does b stand for
Fitness cost to the receiver
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In hamiltons rule, (in relation to spite) what does r stand for
Coefficient of relatedness
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Gene leads to harmful behaviour against *BLANK*
non carriers
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What is an animal that performs spite behaviour
Parasitoid wasp (Copidosoma floridanum)
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is the term for this definition: change in heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive generations
Card 3
Adaptation = changes brought about during *BLANK* by the process of *Natural Selection*

Card 4
Evolution = change *BLANK* of biological populations over *BLANK*

Card 5
How many requirements are there for natural selection to operate

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