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1. where does BPA occur
- superficial lobe of the prostate
- lateral lobe of the prostate
- inferior lobe of the prostate
- median lobe of the prostate
- deep lobe of the prostate
- superior lobe of the prostate
1 of 20
Other questions in this quiz
2. what is the blood supply to the testes
- testicular a. from external iliac
- inf. vesicle a. from external iliac
- ant.: external pudendal, post.: internal pudendal
- ant.: sup. vesicle , post.: inf. vesicle
- testicular a. from abdominal aorta
- inf. vesicle a. from internal iliac
3. where is the epidymimus in relation to the testes
- posturolateral
- superiomedial
- anteromedial
- anterolateral
- superior
- inferiolateral
4. where is the bulbourethral glands of Cowper
- ductus deferens
- prostatic urethra
- membranous urethra
- seminal vesicles
- penile urethra
- testes
5. outline the flow of sperm
- rete testes -> efferent tubules -> seminiferous tubules -> epidydimus -> vas deferens -> prostatic urethra -> (joins with seminal vesicle ducts) ejaculatory ducts
- seminiferous tubules -> efferent tubules -> rete testes -> epidydimus -> vas deferens -> prostatic urethra -> (joins with seminal vesicle ducts) ejaculatory ducts
- seminiferous tubules -> efferent tubules -> rete testes -> epidydimus -> vas deferens -> (joins with seminal vesicle ducts) ejaculatory ducts -> prostatic urethra
- seminiferous tubules -> rete testes -> efferent tubules ->epidydimus -> vas deferens -> (joins with seminal vesicle ducts) ejaculatory ducts -> prostatic urethra
- rete testes -> seminiferous tubules -> efferent tubules ->epidydimus -> vas deferens -> prostatic urethra -> (joins with seminal vesicle ducts) ejaculatory ducts
- rete testes -> seminiferous tubules -> efferent tubules ->epidydimus -> vas deferens -> (joins with seminal vesicle ducts) ejaculatory ducts -> prostatic urethra
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