SEM 1 : intro to musculoskeletal


1. where are the epicondials of the humorous

  • sup. and inf projections either side of shoulder
  • medial and lateral projections either side of shoulder
  • medial and lateral projections either side of elbow
  • ant and post projections either side of elbow
  • sup. and inf projections either side of elbow
  • ant and post projections either side of shoulder
1 of 20

Other questions in this quiz

2. where are the greater and lesser tubercles of the humorous

  • head
  • shaft
  • distal end

3. what is the order of the proximal carpals from lateral to medial

  • scaphoid, pisiform, lunate, Triqueitrium
  • pisiform, Triqueitrium, scaphoid, lunate
  • scaphoid, lunate, Triqueitrium, pisiform
  • pisiform, Triqueitrium, lunate, scaphoid

4. what is bones make up the ankle joint (sup. to inf.)

  • lateral tibial malleolus and medial fibial malleolus, calcaneus, talus
  • lateral fibial malleolus and medial tibial malleolus, talus, calcaneus
  • lateral tibial malleolus and medial fibial malleolus, talus, calcaneus
  • lateral fibial malleolus and medial tibial malleolus, calcaneus, talus

5. what are the sutures of the skull

  • osteoblast ridges: sagital, coronal and lamboid
  • fibrous joints: sagital, coronal and lamboid
  • osteoblast ridges: sagital, coronal and sphenoethmoidal
  • fibrous joints: sagital, coronal and temperomaxillar
  • fibrous joints: sagital, coronal and sphenoethmoidal
  • osteoblast ridges: agital, coronal and temperomaxillar


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