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1. what does the right lymphatic duct drain
- thorax, right upper limb and right side of the head and neck
- right thorax, right upper limb and right side of the head and neck
- lower limbs, abdomen, right thorax, right upper limb and right side of the head and neck
- lower limbs, abdomen, thorax, right upper limb and right side of the head and neck
- entire right side of body
1 of 20
Other questions in this quiz
2. what are the branches of the descending aorta
- nterior intercostal arteries 3-11, sub costal artery, pericardial artery, oesophageal artery, bronchial artery, superior epigastric artery
- Posterior intercostal arteries 2-11, sub costal artery, superior epigastric artery, oesophageal artery, bronchial artery
- anterior intercostal arteries 2-11, sub costal artery, pericardial artery, oesophageal artery, bronchial artery
- Posterior intercostal arteries 2-11, sub costal artery, pericardial artery, oesophageal artery, bronchial artery
- anterior intercostal arteries 2-11, sub costal artery, superior epigastric artery, oesophageal artery, bronchial artery
- Posterior intercostal arteries 3-11, sub costal artery, pericardial artery, oesophageal artery, bronchial artery
- anterior intercostal arteries 3-11, sub costal artery, pericardial artery, oesophageal artery, bronchial artery
3. what is the lumbar splanchnic nerve
- l1-l2, synapse in inferior mesenteric ganglion, innervates hind gut
- t10-t12, synapse in aorticorenal ganglion, innervates kidneys
- t5-9, synapse in superior mesenteric ganglion, innervates foregut
- t10-t12, synapse in inferior mesenteric ganglion, innervates midgut
- t10-t12, synapse in superior mesenteric ganglion, innervates midgut
- t5-9, synapse in coeliac ganglion, innervates foregut
4. where would you auscultate for the pulmonary valve
- left 4ic
- right 4ic
- left 5ic
- right 5ic
- left 2ic
- right 2 ic
- left 5ic midclavicular
- right 5ic midclavicular
5. which of these is NOT a function of the lymphatic system
- maintains blood pressure
- purification
- removal of infectious agents by lymphocytes
- production of lymphocytes
- maintains blood volume
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