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6. what is the innervation of the parotid gland

  • glossopharyngeal
  • mandibular
  • facial
  • cervical

7. what are the divisions of the facial n. from inf. to sup.

  • cervical, mandibular, parotid, buccal, maxillary, zygomatic, tempora
  • cervical, mandibular, buccal, zygomatic, temporal
  • cervical, mandibular, parotid, buccal, zygomatic, temporal
  • cervical, mandibular, maxillary, zygomatic, temporal

8. what is the innervation of the masseter

  • Facial nerve (CN VII)
  • Submandibular nerve (V3)
  • Mandibular nerve (V3)
  • Abducens nerve (CN VI)
  • Submandibular nerve (V2)

9. what is the innervation of the lateral pterygoid

  • Mandibular nerve (V3)
  • Abducens nerve (CN VI)
  • Submandibular nerve (V3)
  • Submandibular nerve (V2)
  • Facial nerve (CN VII)

10. what is the origin and insertion of the masseter

  • origin: temporal fossa. insertion: anterior margin of ramus and coronoid process of mandible
  • origin: anterior margin of ramus and coronoid process of mandible. insertion: temporal fossa
  • upper: origin: roof of infra temporal fossa insertion: TMJ capsule. lower: origin: lateral aspect of lateral plate of ptyergoid insertion: condylar process of mandible
  • origin: deep= maxillary process of zygomatic bone, superficial=zygomatic arch. insertion: medial surface of ramus
  • origin: deep= zygomatic arch, superficial=maxillary process of zygomatic bone. insertion: lateral surface of ramus
  • origin: deep= medial aspect of lateral plate of ptyergoid, superficial=tuberosity of maxilla. insertion: medial surface of ramus

11. what is the function of the masseter

  • mandibular elevation
  • mandibular protrusion
  • mandibular protrusion and retraction
  • mandibular elevation and retraction
  • mandibular protrusion and side to side movements
  • mandibular elevation and side to side movements

12. what is the venous drainage of the face

  • sup. and inf. alveolar v. -> cavernous sinus (which joins with emissary veins) -> retro-mandibular v.
  • emissary veins -> sup. and inf. alveolar v. -> cavernous sinus -> retro-mandibular v.
  • sup. and inf. alveolar v. -> cavernous sinus (which joins with retro-mandibular v) -> .emissary veins
  • sup. and inf. alveolar v. -> retro-mandibular v. (which joins with emissary veins) -> cavernous sinus
  • emissary veins -> sup. and inf. alveolar v. -> retro-mandibular v. -> cavernous sinus

13. what are the attachments of the hyoid bone

  • mandible via myohoid and geniohyoid muscles
  • maxilla via myohoid
  • mandible via geniohyoid muscles
  • maxilla via myohoid and geniohyoid muscles
  • mandible via myohoid and maxilla via geniohyoid muscles

14. what is the innervation of the temporalis

  • Mandibular nerve (V3)
  • Facial nerve (CN VII)
  • Submandibular nerve (V3)
  • Abducens nerve (CN VI)
  • Submandibular nerve (V2)

15. what is the origin and insertion of the medial pterygoid

  • origin: anterior margin of ramus and coronoid process of mandible. insertion: temporal fossa
  • upper: origin: roof of infra temporal fossa insertion: TMJ capsule. lower: origin: lateral aspect of lateral plate of ptyergoid insertion: condylar process of mandible
  • origin: deep= medial aspect of lateral plate of ptyergoid, superficial=tuberosity of maxilla. insertion: medial surface of ramus
  • origin: deep= maxillary process of zygomatic bone, superficial=zygomatic arch. insertion: medial surface of ramus
  • origin: temporal fossa. insertion: anterior margin of ramus and coronoid process of mandible
  • origin: deep= zygomatic arch, superficial=maxillary process of zygomatic bone. insertion: lateral surface of ramus

16. what bones join at the eye socket

  • maxilla, lacrimal, ethmoid, sphenoid and zygoma
  • mandibular, frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid and zygoma
  • maxilla, frontal, lacrimal, ethmoid, sphenoid and zygoma
  • mandibular, lacrimal, ethmoid, sphenoid and zygoma
  • maxilla, frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid and zygoma
  • mandibular, lacrimal, frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid and zygoma

17. what innervates the anterior 2/3rd of the tongue

  • pharyngeal - general sensation
  • lingual - taste and general sensation
  • lingual - taste sensation, facial - general sensation
  • pharyngeal - taste sensation
  • facial - taste sensation, lingual - general sensation
  • pharyngeal - taste and general sensation

18. what glands form saliva

  • parotid, submandibular and sublingual (pierces buccinator)
  • parotid (pierces buccinator), submandibular and sublingual
  • parotid, submandibular (pierces masseter) and sublingual
  • parotid, submandibular and sublingual (pierces masseter)
  • parotid, submandibular (pierces buccinator) and sublingual
  • parotid (pierces masseter), submandibular and sublingual

19. what branches are from the third part of the maxillary artery

  • enters the infra orbital foramen to form palatine and temporal branches
  • middle meningeal (via foramen spinosum) and accessory meningeal (via foramen ovale), and inferior alveolar which travels through the linguinal foramen to become the mental a.
  • pterygoidal a.s

20. what does the lambdoid suture separate

  • Parietal and occipital
  • parietal and zygomatic
  • frontal and parietal
  • temporal and zygomatic
  • parietal bones
  • divides 2 halves of frontal bone