Other questions in this quiz

2. what muscle controls frowning

  • frontal process
  • nasalis
  • levator
  • Depressor Septi Nasi

3. what innervates the glands of the nasal cavity

  • sympathetic: lesser petrosal n. of facial n. (CN VII)
  • parasympathetic: greater petrosal n. of facial n. (CN VII)
  • sympathetic: greater petrosal n. of facial n. (V3)
  • parasympathetic: lesser petrosal n. of ophthalmic n. (V1)
  • parasympathetic: greater petrosal n. of facial n. (V3)
  • sympathetic: lesser petrosal n. of ophthalmic n. (V1)

4. what is the venous drainage of the thyroid

  • sup. -> EJV, inf. and middle -> brachiocephalic
  • sup. and middle -> IJV, inf. -> brachiocephalic
  • sup. and middle -> brachiocephalic, inf. -> EJV
  • sup. and middle -> brachiocephalic, inf. -> IJV
  • sup. -> IJV, inf. and middle -> brachiocephalic
  • sup. and middle -> EJV, inf. -> brachiocephalic

5. what is the vestibule of the nose

  • the area of the nasal cavity formed by the sphenoidal structures
  • the post. opening of the nasal cavity
  • the area of the nasal cavity formed by the sphenoidal structures
  • the ant. opening of the nasal cavity
  • the area of the nasal cavity formed by the ethmoidal structures
  • the area of the nasal cavity formed by the ethmoidal structures


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