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6. what is the function of the meissner's plexus

  • controls oblique, circular and longitudinal muscle contractions
  • controls gastric folding
  • controls gland secretions
  • controls circular and longitudinal muscle contractions

7. what is the blood supply to the GIT

  • abdominal aorta -> foregut: coeliac trunk, midgut: inferior mesenteric a. hindgut: superior mesenteric
  • abdominal aorta -> foregut: coeliac trunk, midgut: superior mesenteric a. hindgut: inferior mesenteric
  • abdominal aorta -> superior mesenteric a. -> foregut: coeliac trunk, midgut:inferior mesenteric hindgut: genitofemoral a.
  • abdominal aorta -> superior mesenteric a. -> foregut: coeliac trunk, midgut:gastric a. hindgut: inferior mesenteric
  • abdominal aorta -> foregut: gastric a., midgut: superior mesenteric a. hindgut: inferior mesenteric
  • abdominal aorta -> superior mesenteric a. -> foregut: coeliac trunk, midgut:inferior mesenteric hindgut: inferior mesenteric

8. what is a peptic ulcer

  • hernia in muscularis externa usually in oesophagus (oesophageal), stomach (gastric), duodenum (duodenal) caused by H.pylori, NSAIDs, stress
  • open lesion in mucosa lining usually in oesophagus (oesophageal), stomach (gastric), duodenum (duodenal) caused by H.pylori, NSAIDs, stress
  • hernia in submucosa usually in oesophagus (oesophageal), stomach (gastric), duodenum (duodenal) caused by H.pylori, NSAIDs, stress
  • open lesion in muscularis externa usually in oesophagus (oesophageal), stomach (gastric), duodenum (duodenal) caused by H.pylori, NSAIDs, stress
  • hernia in mucosa lining usually in oesophagus (oesophageal), stomach (gastric), duodenum (duodenal) caused by H.pylori, NSAIDs, stress
  • open lesion in submucosa usually in oesophagus (oesophageal), stomach (gastric), duodenum (duodenal) caused by H.pylori, NSAIDs, stress

9. what is the 2nd layer of the stomach

  • muscularis externa (oblique, circular and longitudinal) and aubachs plexus
  • muscularis externa (oblique, circular and longitudinal) and meistener's plexus
  • submucosa - aubachs plexus
  • mucosa: gastric glands (releases mucus at cardia, HCl at fundus and gastrin at pylorus) and muscularis mucosae (sm)
  • submucosa - meistener's plexus
  • serosa

10. what are the borders of the abdominal cavity

  • superior: diaphragm, inferior: pelvic inlet, posterior: spine and posterior abdominal muscles, anterior: anterolateral abdominal muscles
  • superior: pelvic inlet inferior: pubic crest
  • superior: rib 12, inferior: asis, posterior: spine and posterior abdominal muscles, anterior: anterolateral abdominal muscles
  • superior: pubic crest inferior: pelvic inlet
  • superior: diaphragm, inferior: pelvic outlet, posterior: spine and posterior abdominal muscles, anterior: anterolateral abdominal muscles
  • superior: rib 12, inferior: pelvic inlet, posterior: spine and posterior abdominal muscles, anterior: anterolateral abdominal muscles

11. what are the boundaries of the epipyloric foramen

  • superior: caudate process of liver, inferior: 2nd part of duodenum, posterior: IVC and right crus of diaphragm anterior: portal triad in hepatoduodenal ligament
  • superior: caudate process of liver, inferior: 1st part of duodenum, posterior: IVC and left crus of diaphragm anterior: portal triad in hepatoduodenal ligament
  • superior: caudate process of liver, inferior: 1st part of duodenum, posterior: IVC and right crus of diaphragm anterior: portal triad in hepatoduodenal ligament
  • superior: IVC and right crus of diaphragm, inferior: 1st part of duodenum, posterior: caudate process of liver, anterior: portal triad in hepatoduodenal ligament
  • superior: caudate process of liver, inferior: 1st part of duodenum, posterior: IVC and right crus of diaphragm anterior: portal triad in hepatogastric ligament
  • superior: caudate process of liver, inferior: 1st part of duodenum, posterior: SVC and right crus of diaphragm anterior: portal triad in hepatoduodenal ligament

12. what is the mesentery

  • a double fold of visceral peritoneum between the liver and stomach
  • a double fold of parietal peritoneum between the transverse colon and posterior abdominal wall
  • a double fold of visceral peritoneum between the small intestines and posterior abdominal wall
  • a double fold of parietal peritoneum between the liver and stomach
  • a double fold of parietal peritoneum between the small intestines and posterior abdominal wall
  • a double fold of visceral peritoneum between the transverse colon and posterior abdominal wall

13. what is the innervation of the parietal peritoneum

  • afferent n. that travel with autonomic supply to viscera, sensitive to pain, temperature, touch and pressure
  • L1-4, sensitive to stretch and tearing which is interpreted as pain
  • T7-11, sensitive to stretch and tearing which is interpreted as pain
  • T7-L1 sensitive to pain, temperature, touch and pressure
  • afferent n. that travel with autonomic supply to viscera, sensitive to stretch and tearing which is interpreted as pain
  • L1-4 sensitive to pain, temperature, touch and pressure

14. what is the innervation of the stomach

  • parasympathetic: vagus n., right -> posterior vagal trunk, left -> anterior vagal trunk, forms oesophageal plexus. sympathetic: greater splanchnic -> coeliac plexus. parasymp.=motor to pyloric sphincter and pain. symp.= secretomotor and sm stim.
  • parasympathetic: vagus n., left-> posterior vagal trunk, right -> anterior vagal trunk, forms oesophageal plexus. sympathetic: greater splanchnic -> coeliac plexus. parasymp.=secretomotor and sm stim. symp.= motor to pyloric sphincter and pain
  • parasympathetic: vagus n., left-> posterior vagal trunk, right -> anterior vagal trunk, forms oesophageal plexus. sympathetic: greater splanchnic -> coeliac plexus. sympathetic: greater splanchnic -> coeliac plexus. parasymp.=motor to pyloric sphincter and pain. symp.= secretomotor and sm stim.
  • parasympathetic: vagus n., right -> posterior vagal trunk, left -> anterior vagal trunk, forms oesophageal plexus. sympathetic: greater splanchnic -> coeliac plexus. parasymp.=secretomotor and sm stim. symp.= motor to pyloric sphincter and pain
  • parasympathetic: vagus n., right -> posterior vagal trunk, left -> anterior vagal trunk, forms coeliac plexus. sympathetic: greater splanchnic -> oesophageal plexus. parasymp.=secretomotor and sm stim. symp.= motor to pyloric sphincter and pain
  • parasympathetic: vagus n., right -> posterior vagal trunk, left -> anterior vagal trunk, forms coeliac plexus. sympathetic: greater splanchnic -> oesophageal plexus. sympathetic: greater splanchnic -> coeliac plexus. parasymp.=motor to pyloric sphincter and pain. symp.= secretomotor and sm stim.

15. what is the function of the peritoneum

  • prevent the effect of gravity
  • prevent the pressures of organs cutting of blood supply
  • isolate infections
  • separate organs

16. what forms the pelvic crest

  • sacral promontory (superior sacrum), sacral ala (wings), arcuate line (on superior pubic ramus), pectineal line (on ilium), pubic crest and pubic symphysis
  • sacral promontory (superior sacrum), sacral ala (wings), arcuate line (on ilium), pectineal line (on superior pubic ramus), pubic crest and pubic symphysis
  • sacral promontory (wings), sacral ala (superior sacrum), arcuate line (on ilium), pectineal line (on superior pubic ramus), pubic crest and pubic symphysis
  • sacral promontory (wings), sacral ala (superior sacrum), arcuate line (on superior pubic ramus), pectineal line (on ilium), pubic crest and pubic symphysis

17. what is the 3rd layer of the oesophagus

  • mucosa: non-kerratinated stratified squamous epithelium that excretes mucus to protect against wear and tear
  • adventitia
  • mucosa: kerratinated pseudostratified columnar epithelium that excretes mucus to protect against wear and tear
  • submucosa
  • muscularis externa: inner circular layer and outer longitudinal layer divided into three parts - sup. skeletal muscle, middle skeletal muscle and sm, inf. sm
  • muscularis externa: inner longitudinal layer and outer circular layer divided into two parts - sup. sm, inf. skeletal muscle

18. what is the blood supply of the oesophagus

  • upper: thryocervical trunk -> inferior thyroid artery, lower: right gastric artery
  • upper: thryocervical trunk -> superior thyroid artery, lower: left gastric artery
  • upper: thryocervical trunk -> inferior thyroid artery, middle: thoracic aorta, lower: left gastric artery
  • upper: thryocervical trunk -> superior thyroid artery, middle: thoracic aorta, lower: left gastric artery
  • upper: thryocervical trunk -> inferior thyroid artery, lower: left gastric artery
  • upper: thryocervical trunk -> inferior thyroid artery, middle: thoracic aorta, lower: right gastric artery

19. what is the blood supply to the greater curvature

  • LEFT: superior mesenteric -> common hepatic a. -> gastroduodenal a. -> left gastro-omental/gastro-epiploic (along greater curvature). RIGHT: superior mesenteric -> splenic a. -> right gastro-omental/gastro-epiploic (along greater curvature). right and left anastomes
  • LEFT: superior mesenteric -> common hepatic a. -> left gastric branch (along lgreater curvature). RIGHT: superior mesenteric -> right gastric (along greater curvature). right and left anastomes
  • LEFT:coeliac trunk -> common hepatic a. -> gastroduodenal a. -> left gastro-omental/gastro-epiploic (along greater curvature). RIGHT: coeliac trunk -> splenic a. -> right gastro-omental/gastro-epiploic (along greater curvature). right and left anastomes
  • LEFT: coeliac trunk -> left gastric (along greater curvature). RIGHT: coeliac trunk -> common hepatic a. -> right gastric branch (along greater curvature). right and left anastomes
  • LEFT: coeliac trunk -> splenic a. -> left gastro-omental/gastro-epiploic (along greater curvature). RIGHT: coeliac trunk -> common hepatic a. -> gastroduodenal a. -> left gastro-omental/gastro-epiploic (along greater curvature). right and left anastomes
  • LEFT: coeliac trunk -> right gastric (along greater curvature) to midline. RIGHT: coeliac trunk -> right gastric (along greater curvature). right and left anastomes

20. what is the transverse mesocolon

  • a double fold of visceral peritoneum between the transverse colon and posterior abdominal wall
  • a double fold of visceral peritoneum between the liver and stomach
  • a double fold of parietal peritoneum between the liver and stomach
  • a double fold of parietal peritoneum between the transverse colon and posterior abdominal wall
  • a double fold of parietal peritoneum between the small intestines and posterior abdominal wall
  • a double fold of visceral peritoneum between the small intestines and posterior abdominal wall