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- Created by: EmmBlr
- Created on: 31-05-17 15:05
Define Separatism
A move by a minority group or region within a country, towards greater independence or 'separatism' from the country that governs them.
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Reasons for Separatism
Economically depressed area compared to the wealthier core. A minority culture or language with a different history - e.g. Catalonia. Exploitation of local resouces with little econmic gain for the region. Peripheral location. Collapse of the state.
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How can supranational bodies affect separatism?
E.g. the EU. May lead national groups to think they have a chance of developing economically.
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What is Irredentism?
A form of separatism that involves a portion of one territory seeking to join another state.
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The Break-Up of Yugoslavia - key timeline
WW2 Germans welcomed by facist Croats - 1/3 million Serbs, Jews, gypsies, anti-facist Croats killed in concentration camps. Marshall Tito created Yugoslavia in 1945. 1992 Yugoslav Fed. falling apart. Slovenia and Croatia first to break away
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The break-up of Yugoslavia - key timeline
Break up restarted conflict in Serbia. More conflict in Bosnia (who called independence) by Serbs there. American pressure led to Dayton Aggreement 1995. NATO airstrikes March 1999. Milosevic lost support in 2000 - guilty of war crimes.
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The war in Croatia
Serbians living there against independence. Reawakened brutalities from ww2. Spring 1992, 14000 Peacekeepers stationed here. The ceasefire did not stop fighting in the South.
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The war in Bosnia
1992 Bosnia declared independence, caught between Serbia and Croatia, Bosnia was the most vulnerable and suffered the most. 'Ethnic Cleansing of Muslims' - over 1 million evacuatd from Bosnia.
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The war in Serbia
1998, Albanians began a rebellion. International pressure on Milosevic to end fighting. Led to NATO airstrikes. Within days of thee airstrikes, tens of thousands of Kosovo-Albanian refugees pouring out of the area.
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Causes of the Break-up
Ethnic rivalries. Memories of ww2 genocide. Fear by minorities that Serbs (largest ethnicity) would seek to dominate Yugoslavia. Serbs linked with Russia, Slovenes and Croats linked with Germany, Muslims in Kosovo and Bosnia linked with Albania.
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Ethnic split in Croatia
78% Croats, 10% Serbs
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Ethnic split in Bosnia
44% Slavic Muslims, 40% Serbs, 15% Croats
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Ethnic split in Serbia
85% Serbs
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Where did refugees from Bosnia go?
300,000 to Croatia. 600,000 internally displaced. 250,000 to Serbia
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Where did refugees from Croatia go?
175,000 to Serbia. 300,000 internally displaced. 100,000 to Bosnia
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Break-up of Yugoslavia - Good?
Inevitable - artificial country. All ethnic groups had independent histories. But many were mixed race. Yugoslavia did not have means to manage an ethnic conflict.
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Break-up of Yugoslavia - Bad?
Was a prosperous country. Didn't agree with international action. Set up future conflicts e.g. with Macedonia. Divided and weak.
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Consequences of Yugoslavian conflict
60% of Bosnians displaced. Ethnic Cleansing. Hyperinflation - record highs, 300 million% 1994. Serbian economy severely damaged - quickly recovered, 'Balkan tiger'. Childhood lost. 60% of Sarajevo have PTSD. Tension from war crimes. Intelligensa kill
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Sottish Independence definitions
Alex Salmond - first minister of Scottish parliament. Nicola Sturgeon - leader of SNP. SNP - Scottish National Party (won in '07 by 1 seat, won in '11 by 69 seats, control parliament). Holyrood - Scottish Parliament Building. Devolution - own financ
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Economic Arguments FOR independence
Scotland would get revenues from North Sea Oil - 60% of EU oil. In 2011, £26 bn to GDP. Global economy more integrated. Thrive providing goods services.
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Cultural Arguments FOR independence
Strong culture. Respond quickly and efficiently to people's needs.
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Political Arguments FOR independence
Make own decisions. Could be more accountable. A tory government with no Scottish MPs has no democratic legitimacy.
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Economic Arguments AGAINST independence
Scottish economy not strong enough to stand alone - RBS bail out. Scotland gets 20% more public spending per head than England.
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Cultural Arguments AGAINST independence
Strong British Identity
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Political Arguments AGAINST independence
Countries come together for common purposes. Less risk in an uncertain world. Both UK and Scotland would lose out as powers in other parts of the world develop.
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Scottish Independence - inequalities from devolution
September 2014 - 55.3% NO to independence. September 1997 - 74% in favour of own parliament. No tuition fees. Free eye-care and dentistry. 16% more per head in Scotland on health. 13% more per head in Scotland on education. Free care for elderly.
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The 2014 NO Vote
55.3% voted NO - 2 million people. 85% turnout. New powers for Scotland Jan '15. Votes for 16 year olds - get a voice, may not understand. Demands for English votes on English laws. Public spending 20% higher in Scotland. More power to English cities
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Issues following Brexit
62% of Scottish wanted to stay in Europe. Another Referendum? Unionist view: budget deficit at 9.5% of GDP, more than double UK and highest in Europe, Oil revenues more than halved, May not be accepted into EU. Nationalist view: Scottish interests
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Reasons for Separatism
Economically depressed area compared to the wealthier core. A minority culture or language with a different history - e.g. Catalonia. Exploitation of local resouces with little econmic gain for the region. Peripheral location. Collapse of the state.
Card 3
How can supranational bodies affect separatism?
Card 4
What is Irredentism?
Card 5
The Break-Up of Yugoslavia - key timeline
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