Services Directive

  • Created by: Hope
  • Created on: 12-05-16 15:09
What are the aims/objectives of the directive?
to open the services market and to realise the potential of full service markets in Europe by removing legal and administrative barriers to trade
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What were the controversies surrounding the directive?
There were a lot of mass protests because the draft was seen as leading to social problems, because it was presumed that companies and jobs would be relocated to eastern Europe.
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Who does the directive apply to?
Art 2(1) - services
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What are services?
Art 4(1) service means any self-employed activity in exchange for remuneration
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What services aren't covered by the directive?
Art 2(2) and 2 (3)
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What are case examples?
Fermarbel- healthcare
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What are derogations are there from the freedom to provide services?
Art 17- services of general economic interest, special services, matters covered by specific European provision
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Which article permits case by case derogations?
Art 18
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What are the limitations of the directive?
It does not effect labour law, criminal law, exercise of fundamental rights, cultural or linguistic diversity
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What are the obligations conferred on MS by the directive?
Obligation to examine the procedures and formalities in the field and change them if too complex, create a single point of contact for service providers, ensure procedures can be completed by economic means
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What does the directive have to say about freedom of establishment?
Codifies existing rules from case law.
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Are MS allowed to request some kind authorisation from people?
Only under 3 cumulative conditions, art 9
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What criteria does authorisation have to fulfil?
Has to be clear and unambiguous, and objective and made public in advance
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Card 2


What were the controversies surrounding the directive?


There were a lot of mass protests because the draft was seen as leading to social problems, because it was presumed that companies and jobs would be relocated to eastern Europe.

Card 3


Who does the directive apply to?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are services?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What services aren't covered by the directive?


Preview of the front of card 5
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