What are SF post-alveolar fricatives replaced with in Seselwa?
Alveolar fricatives /s,z/
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How is SF palatal nasal /ɲ/ realised in Seselwa?
Nasalised palatal approximant [j̃]
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How does Seselwa contrast between mid-high and mid-low vowels?
It does not, there is no contrast between mid-high and mid-low vowels, Seselwa just has /e,o/
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What back vowel is not included in Seselwa?
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What happens to SF front rounded vowels in Seselwa?
They do not exist, they are replaced by /i,e/
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What are the nasal vowels of Seselwa?
/ẽ, ã, õ/ correspond to French nasalised vowels
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What happens to consonant clusters in Seselwa?
Seselwa has no word final consonant clusters, but some word initial ones remain
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How is plurality expressed in Seselwa?
Nouns are morphologically invariable, but if it is necessary to specify plurality 'bann' (bande) may be employed as a quasi-obligatory plural marker in formal communication
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What has happened to SF articles?
Articles from French original settlers have become agglutinated to the noun and no longer have the grammatical function of an article
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What is the indefinite article (a) in Seselwa?
en - en lakaz - a house
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What is the definite article (the) in Seselwa?
sa (Seselwa does not always take the definite article as it would in French)
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What is Seselwa's only demonstrative?
sa - the same as the definite article, extended function of words
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How are generic nouns marked?
Generic nouns are not marked by an article or demonstrate e.g. Lion i manz gazel - lions eat gazelles
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How are the subject and predicate linked in Seselwa?
0 copula in Seselwa and many other creoles - no use of etre or an equivalent to link the subject and predicate e.g. mon pa la
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Where does the indirect object come in Seselwa?
The indirect object 'li' comes after the verb, whereas in French the indirect object pronoun comes before the verb, Creoles retain a more SVO word order
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How is negation formed in Seselwa?
No 'ne' particle from French two part negation, the 'pa' negative article comes before the verb in negatives sentences, rather than after like in SF
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How are clauses connected?
Coordinating conjunctions are rare in spontaneous discourse - most widespread construction is juxtaposition
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How is possession expressed?
The possessor and possessee are juxtaposed to express possession, two constructions: possessor - possessee and possessee - possessor exist but seem to have little difference in usage
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What is the function of preposition 'avek/ek'?
avec, de, chez, a, et
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
How is SF palatal nasal /ɲ/ realised in Seselwa?
Nasalised palatal approximant [j̃]
Card 3
How does Seselwa contrast between mid-high and mid-low vowels?
Card 4
What back vowel is not included in Seselwa?
Card 5
What happens to SF front rounded vowels in Seselwa?
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