Set Works Music
4.5 / 5 based on 8 ratings
- Created by: heathercm
- Created on: 29-06-17 09:47
What is the effect of using 2 pianos playing at the exact same time?
This is called 'overdubbing' and it creates a unique sound. It can also give the effect of a synthesiser.
1 of 42
What instruments are in the song Killer Queen?
Piano, Drum kit, Voice, Guitar(electric), Bass guitar, Extra percussion, Jangle piano
2 of 42
What is the role of the backing vocals?
-Creates a theatrical sound - Creates harmony - Makes a synthesiser sound
3 of 42
When was Killer Queen written?
4 of 42
What genre is Killer Queen?
Stadium Rock
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What media techniques are used in Killer Queen?
Overdubbing, Reverb, Distortion, Wah-Wah, Panning
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What is reverb?
It i8s kind of like an echo effect, it makes the music sound more full
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What key is Killer queen in, and what key does it use in the start of choruses and verses?
Key is Eb major, verses start in C minor and choruses start in Bb major
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What is portamento?
A portamento is when you slide from a note to another note but do not connect the two notes. It is used on "queen" in bar 15.
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Is Killer Queen almost entirely syllabic or melismatic?
10 of 42
What time signature is Killer Queen?
12/7, giving it a swing feel
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When was Music for a While written?
Mid Baroque period- 1692
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What ornamentation is used in Music for a While?
Trills, appogiaturas, mordents
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What is an appogiatura?
A grace note, a single note played quickly before the note that follows
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What is a mordent?
a rapid alternation of a note with the note immediately above or below it on the scale
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Is Music for a While syllabic or melismatic?
Mainly syllabic but some melisma: fall on 'drops', long melisma on 'eternal, discord on 'pains'
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What form is Music for a While?
Ternary Form (ABA)
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What texture is Music for a While?
Homophonic (melody with accompaniment)
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What is Tierce de Picardie?
It is used in Music for a While, it is when a major chord is used at the end of a minor piece, vice versa
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What time signature is Music for a While?
4/4, features a continuous walking bass
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When was Brandenburg Concerto written?
Late baroque period
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What is a concerto grosso?
a musical composition for a group of solo instruments accompanied by an orchestra
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What are the three solo instruments in Brandenburg?
flute, violin, harpsichord
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What ornamentation is used in Brandenburg?
trills and appogiatura
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What cadence ends each section in Brandenburg?
Perfect Cadence
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What texture is Brandenburg?
Monophonic in bars 1-2 and 233-234, but rest is counterpoint
26 of 42
What tempo is Brandenburg?
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What form is Brandenburg?
Ternary (ABA)
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What time signature is Brandenburg?
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What does it mean when a piece is in a gigue style?
Gigue music is lively music in the style of a dance, typical of the Baroque Period
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When was Star Wars released?
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What instruments are used in Star wars?
Full symphony orchestra of nearly 90 players, 10 woodwind, 11 brass, 6 percussion, harp, 60 strings
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What key is part one of Star Wars?
Bb major
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What time signature is Star Wars?
4/4, creating a march feel
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What is featured at the start of Star Wars?
a fanfare with loud brass dynamics
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What texture is Star Wars?
mainly homophonic, melody often doubles in octaves
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What instruments are used in Defying Gravity?
Pt band of 23 musicians, six brass, a harp, 2 electric guitars, 3 keyboard synths percussion and woodwind
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What is colla voce?
when the band follows the voice
38 of 42
What word setting is used in Defying Gravity?
39 of 42
What form is Defying Gravity?
Verse/Chorus form
40 of 42
What key is Defying Gravity in?
Mostly D major, there is a section in G major
41 of 42
What texture is Defying Gravity?
Monophonic at the start, but mainly homophonic
42 of 42
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What instruments are in the song Killer Queen?
Piano, Drum kit, Voice, Guitar(electric), Bass guitar, Extra percussion, Jangle piano
Card 3
What is the role of the backing vocals?
Card 4
When was Killer Queen written?
Card 5
What genre is Killer Queen?
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