Sex and Gender Flashcards

  • Created by: Emma3546
  • Created on: 21-01-17 15:29
What is sex?
Sex is biological and determines whether you are male or female.
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What is gender?
Gender is psychological and determines whether you are masculine or feminine.
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What is androgyny?
When a person shows both traits of masculinity and femininity.
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Name the 3 categories for gender.
Masculinity, femininity, androgyny
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Give the male and female chromosomes.
male - XY female- **
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When do gonads change?
6 weeks
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Give the male and female hormones.
male- testosterone female- oestrogen
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Give one example of masculine behaviour.
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Give one example of feminine behaviour.
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What does the biological approach believe?
Believes that human behaviour is instinctive, it says that evolution plays a part in our characteristics.
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Critisms of the biological approach.
Ignores the idea that gender roles can be learnt, does not explain why gender roles can change, if all men are biologically similar then why do they show a range of behaviours.
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What does the psychodynamic approach believe?
It says that gender is less to do with biology and more to do with upbringing.
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What is meant by the oedipus complex?
Boy desires mother, jealous and scared of the father (castration anxietey), eventually realises that the father is stronger, identifies and develops masculine gender identity.
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What is meant by the electra complex?
Girl desires father, hatred towards mother (penis envy), they fear the loss of their mothers love, identify with the mother and develop a feminine gender identity.
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According to the complexes where does this happen?
In the unconcious mind which means that we cant test it and we cant control it.
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What does the psychodynamic approach say about single parent families?
It says that it does not apply as a persons gender identity will not develop properly.
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What is penis envy?
A girl dreams of having the same genitals as her father.
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What is castration anxietey?
When a boy hides his genitals from his father as he feels like his father will cut it off.
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What did the Diamond and Sigmundson believe?
That sex and gender can't change.
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Describe the procedure of the Diamond and Sigmundson study.
8 month year old boy, damaged genitals in circumsision, raised as a girl
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What were the results of the Diamond and Sigmndson study?
Brenda felt masculine, at puberty she was told the truth, later she transitioned back into a boy, gender cant change, supported the biological approach.
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Name the critisms of the Diamond and Sigmundson study?
Money was subjective in what he recorded, cant generalise results, cant control all variables like Bruce's twin brother.
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What is a case study?
A small indepth study of one person or a group of people.
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Describe the equal oppertunities in work.
females and males get equal jobs and wages, research has helped this.
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Describe the equal oppertunties in eductation.
Both boys and girls of all ethnicities get the same oppertunities, we can also educate genders differently so their weaknesses can be improved.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is gender?


Gender is psychological and determines whether you are masculine or feminine.

Card 3


What is androgyny?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Name the 3 categories for gender.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Give the male and female chromosomes.


Preview of the front of card 5
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just saying there is only 2 genders 

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