sexual ethics

  • Created by: Toby
  • Created on: 15-06-23 11:34
what is premarital sex?
Refers to sex before marriage

Increasingly common in modern society some people believe that this is due to an increase in availability of reliable contraception
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what do Christians say about pre-marital sex?
Christian belief that sex before marriage is sinful

some Christians argue that sex before marriage undermines the central doctrine of marriage

catholic church argues that premarital sex doesn't support the stance of commitment, seen a a sin
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what is extramarital sex?
Refers to sexual relationships where one of both of the partners involved is married to someone else
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what do Christians say about extramarital sex?
Christian teachings stand firmly against all forms of extramarital sex

Adultery is forbidden in the ten commandments

Catholic church teaches that sex is exclusively for married couples, Catholic teaching heavily relies on Natural Law
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what does natural law say about extramarital sex?
People should do those things that allow them to flourish and reach their potential

Reproduction is one of the primary precepts and it should be considered the main aim of sexual activity, and extramarital sex doesn't achieve human flourishing
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what are the strengths of extramarital sex?
it gives clear rules rather than leaving people to make decisions in the heat of the moment.
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what doers situation ethics say about premarital sex?
Situation Ethicists do not think that there should be rules guiding premarital or extramarital sex

Fletcher uses issues surrounding sexual ethics to demonstrate that there should not be absolute rules

fletcher uses the prion guard example
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what does Kantian ethics say about premarital sex?
The commitment of marriage would be supported and respected in the Kingdom of Ends.

Kant placed emphasis on the importance of promise keeping and truth telling, this obviously suggests that secret extramarital sex would be totally unethical
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what does utilitarianism (js mill) say about premarital sex?
people should be free to behave how they wish unless it causes any form of harm to other people

He wasn't against marriage but was in favour of gender equality

Marriage can sometimes reduced women to the status of slaves
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what is homosexuality?
Refers to sexual relations and attraction between two people of the same gender

during the early 20th century homosexuality was a crime.
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what do Christians say about homosexuality?
Christian has traditionally opposed homosexuality due to it 'sinful,' nature

Some Christians base their homophobic views off biblical passages like, 'do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, that is detestable;'
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what does natural law say about homosexuality?
Homosexual acts are wrong because the go against the precept for reproduction as they cannot 'naturally,' create life

Catholic church has traditionally seen homosexuality as a sin but in modern times some Catholic have a more liberal view.
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what does situation ethics say about homosexuality?
Concentrates on finding the most loving outcome

would consider a homosexual relationship to be morally acceptable as long as it brought about some form of agape love.
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what does Kantian ethics say about homosexuality?
treating everyone with dignity must be therefore that homosexual relationships must be regarded as equal
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what do Christians say about pre-marital sex?


Christian belief that sex before marriage is sinful

some Christians argue that sex before marriage undermines the central doctrine of marriage

catholic church argues that premarital sex doesn't support the stance of commitment, seen a a sin

Card 3


what is extramarital sex?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what do Christians say about extramarital sex?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what does natural law say about extramarital sex?


Preview of the front of card 5
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