Shakespeare Playhouse Quiz

This is a quick quiz based on the traditional playhouses of the Elizaqbethan and Jacobean era

  • Created by: Josh
  • Created on: 21-03-11 12:31
How was the lighting provided?
1 of 4
How big was a traditional Elizabethan/Jacobean stage?
large (14/9.5m)
2 of 4
How much was the basic entrance fee?
one old penny
3 of 4
How many audience members could a traditional theatre accommodate?
4 of 4

Other cards in this set

Card 2


How big was a traditional Elizabethan/Jacobean stage?


large (14/9.5m)

Card 3


How much was the basic entrance fee?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How many audience members could a traditional theatre accommodate?


Preview of the front of card 4




This is useful to an extent, however if you are taking the edexcel course, like myself - you will not need to know this in so much detail. The Shakespeare part of the paper is meant to be heavily based on the modern production you saw and the old production should only be references to. For the exam, you would be better off looking at historical documents, such as the Peachum Sketch (showing the eclectic costumes, it is a scene from Titus Andronicas), the De Witt Sketch (which is the only picture we have in existance of the INSIDE of a theatre space in Shakespeare's time - however it is a copy of the original picture) or Henslowe's list (props list from Hamlet) :)

Good quiz, but not for edexcel courses x



I agree with Hannah. I'm doing the Edexcel course also. There's not much we could do for Edexcel although you could make a list of the acting styles, lighting, set, costume etc in the Elizabethan period - that would help although we are allowed context notes so i don't know how much it would help.

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