SHHS - Yr 11 Biology : Waste on Land Plenary 0.0 / 5 ? BiologyWasteIGCSEAQA Created by: Alice CullenCreated on: 10-02-17 09:23 A chemical that kills animals Pesticide 1 of 9 A chemical that kills plants Herbicide 2 of 9 What type of activities pollute the land and water? Human Activities 3 of 9 How are chemicals moved from the land into the water? Washed 4 of 9 A substance that is harmful to the environment or hazardous to health Toxic 5 of 9 Where does household waste go? Landfill sites 6 of 9 What is another name for household waste? Sewage 7 of 9 Give an example of an event that contaminated soil Chernobyl 8 of 9 The presence of a substance which has harmful or poisonous effects on the environment Pollution 9 of 9
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