Short Conflict Case Studies

  • Created by: EmmBlr
  • Created on: 31-05-17 14:51
What was the basis of Tianamen Square?
Ideology and Identity
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What happened in Tianamen Square?
1989, massacre in Beijing. Nearly a million Chinese students gathered to protest for econmic change and democratic reform. Military fired indiscriminantly into the crowd.
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Effects of Tianamen Square?
Thousands killed and 10,000 arrested. A nearby children's hospital operating theatres filled with gunshot wounds, many local residents who were not involved.
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Basis of the Frozen Conflict
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Summary of the Frozen conflict
Over the resouces available in the Arctic. 2007, Russians planted a flag beneath the North Pole, claiming it. Also claiming interest were Canada, Denmark, Norway and USA. Fears that this would ser off an Arctic Scramble for territory.
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How was the Frozen Conlfict resolved?
Arctic council influential in settling disputes. 2014, Denamrk also staked a claim in the North Pole
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Basis of the Conflict in Northern Ireland
Culture and Territory.
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Background of the conflict in Northern Ireland
Centred on British Rule over Ireland, 6 counties stayed with the UK. 1966, 50th anniversary of the Easter Rising, violence erupted. The Provisional IRA set up by 1969, unlike the IRA they were prepared to use violence.
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Resolution in Northern Ireland
The 'Good Friday' Agreement signed in 1998. Disparities between the Northern Ireland community highlighted.
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Card 2


What happened in Tianamen Square?


1989, massacre in Beijing. Nearly a million Chinese students gathered to protest for econmic change and democratic reform. Military fired indiscriminantly into the crowd.

Card 3


Effects of Tianamen Square?


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Card 4


Basis of the Frozen Conflict


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Card 5


Summary of the Frozen conflict


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