Shostakovich Symphony No. 5 2.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings ? MusicShostakovich Symphony No. 5A2/A-levelAQA Created by: HannahCreated on: 10-01-14 09:21 What era was the symphony written in? twentieth century 1 of 13 When was the 5th symphony completed? nineteen thirty-seven 2 of 13 Which country was the symphony written in? Russia 3 of 13 What historic event took place during its writting? Russian revolution 4 of 13 How many movements does the symphony have? four 5 of 13 What key is the symphony in? D minor 6 of 13 What form is the 1st movement in? sonata form 7 of 13 What form is the 2nd movement in? scherzo and trio form 8 of 13 What form is the 3rd movement in? rondo form 9 of 13 What key is the 1st movement in? D minor 10 of 13 What key is the 2nd movement in? A minor 11 of 13 What key is the 3rd movement in? F# minor 12 of 13 How many violin sections are there in in the 3rd movement? three 13 of 13