Sex is predetermined. Gender is learned or socially constructed
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Gender socialisation
Learning of behaviour and attitudes depending on their sex
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Gender inequality
Situation that men and women are not equal. Treated different due to gender.
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Gender Identity
A person's perception of having particular gender which might not be the same as their birth sex
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Gender diference
Differences in mental functions and behaviours of sex because of biological and cultural factors
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Difference hypothesis
social and psychological process which can affect individual attitudes/beliefs intentions and subsequent behaviors.
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Similarity hypothesis
All physical and psychological characteristics are distributed among the sexes (Olglesby & Hill, 1993).
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Stratification hypothesis
Gender differences in outcomes, ie: Mathematic performance or spatial ability closely related to opportunity structures for girls and women in their culture. (Else-Quest, 2010)
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A structure of power which men rule women virtually as a class. (Slattery, 1985)
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What contribution did McCoby (1974) make to the gender debate?
Girls excel at simple rote learning, whereas boys are better at tasks that require higher-level cognitive processing and boys are more analytic
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