Smestow Revision Cards
3.0 / 5 based on 1 rating
- Created by: Chelsey Cartwright
- Created on: 22-04-13 14:56
What are demographics?
Age, occupation, education, sexuality, gender, race
1 of 91
What are psychographics?
Loyalty to brands, culture, lifestyle, media interests, buying habits
2 of 91
What are semiotics?
The message that the text sends to the audience
3 of 91
What is representation?
The description or portrayal of someone or something in a particular way or as being of a certain nature
4 of 91
What is connotation?
Deeper meaning
5 of 91
What is denotation?
Literal meaning
6 of 91
What is ideology?
The idea’s behind a media text. In any society there is an agreed set of beliefs that underpins the society
7 of 91
What is hegemony?
The accepted and agreed beliefs in any particular society
8 of 91
What is diegetic sound?
Sound whose source is visible on screen or whose source is implied to be present by the actions of the film
9 of 91
What are examples of diegetic sound?
Voices of characters, sounds made by objects in the story, Music represented as coming from instruments in the story
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What is non-diegetic sound?
Sound shose source is neither visible on the screen nor has been implied to be present in the actions
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What are some examples of non-diegetic sound?
Narrator's commentary, sound effects added to a dramatic event, mood music
12 of 91
What is hybrid?
Multiple genre
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What is genre?
Category of a media text based on codes and conventions
14 of 91
What is mise-en-scene?
Everything that is in the scene
15 of 91
What are the things that are included in mise-en-scene?
Props, costume, camera angles, lighting, colour
16 of 91
What is high-key lighting?
Bright lighting
17 of 91
What is low-key lighting?
Dull lighting
18 of 91
What is ambient sound?
Background noise
19 of 91
What is direct-mode of address?
When the actor speaks directly to the camera
20 of 91
What is an example of direct mode of address?
21 of 91
What 5 variables should be considered when creating a shot?
Movement, focus, camera angles, shot size, framing
22 of 91
What is proxemics?
The way in which the space in the scene is being used
23 of 91
What do visual codes include?
Clothing and physical appearancegesture and body language, facial expressions, setting, use of colour
24 of 91
What do technical codes include?
Ambient noise, voice over, sound, movement, shots, camera movement, editing, pace of camera, lighting
25 of 91
What is a medium-two shot?
Two people at medium distance
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When is a panning shot often used?
In Westerns
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What is a common use of the tilt?
To slowly reveal something
28 of 91
When is a crane shot useful?
Shows setting, high cost, convey movement/flying motion
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What is a car mounted shot?
Camera attached to moving car/windscreen, exaggerates speed, films a conversation between 2 front seat characters
30 of 91
What is long shot?
Shows entire figure/object in relation to its surroundings
31 of 91
What is a head-on shot?
When the action comes straight at the camera
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What is a high angle?
The camera is located above the subject and films down on it , Sometimes used to shows which character is more powerful
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What is a reverse angle?
Switches between the 2 or more subjects in a dialogue scene, Shot from the other side of the subject
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What is a match cut?
Two shots which have some relationship joined together seamlessly through a fast transition as if they were in the same scene
35 of 91
What is an arc shot?
Camera moves around the object in a circular motion in order to show the image from more angles
36 of 91
What is a zoom shot?
Either zooms in to isolate subject or zooms out to show it in a wider context
37 of 91
What is an aerial shot?
Shows the entire image from a high position, Sometimes called a bird’s eye shot
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What is a dolly shot?
The camera is placed on a dolly and moves at a constant rate, Doesn’t necessarily follow the action
39 of 91
What is a tracking shot?
Follows the action at a constant distance, keeps the subject in focus
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What is a medium shot?
Shot from knees/waist up from a medium distance, Generally shows more body language and less specific detail
41 of 91
What is a close-up shot?
Tightly frames a person or object to show detail/emotion
42 of 91
What is an establishing shot?
Sets up/establishes the setting of the scene, typically at start of movie
43 of 91
What is an action match?
Cutting to show another angle of the scene
44 of 91
What is an eye-line match?
Cutting to show what a character is looking at
45 of 91
What is a handheld shot?
Filmed from the cameraman’s own hands so is a little shaky, Can be used to show the subjects perspective or emotion
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What is a low angle?
Typically shot from knees up , can be used to show power
47 of 91
What is a point of view shot?
The camera shows the scene from a character’s perspective, You can see through a character’s eyes
48 of 91
What is cross-cutting?
Cutting between 2 or more scenes that are happening simultaneously
49 of 91
What does ethnicity refer to?
Culture, heritage, religion, ancestory
50 of 91
What is the ethnicity case study?
Slumdog Millionaire
51 of 91
In Slumdog Millionaire, how is ethnicity represented through body language?
Jealous, serious, nervous, unforgiving, contestant intimidated, Kids felt worthless when police threw rubbish at them
52 of 91
In Slumdog Millionaire, how is ethnicity represented through attitudes?
Naivety, jealousy, disbelief, condescending, upper-class, consider poor to be worthless
53 of 91
How do the costumes in Slumdog Millionaire represent ethnicity?
Kids wearing tatty clothes suggesting poorness, presenter in smart clothes, upper class
54 of 91
What are the theories for representation of gender?
Tuchmann, Van Zoonen
55 of 91
What is Symbolic Annihilation?
The absence of representation, or under representation, of some group of people in the mass media
56 of 91
What is Van Zoonen's theory?
Women hardly appear in the mass media and when they do it is negative
57 of 91
What are the case studies for representation of gender?
The Hustle, The Royle Family, Eastenders, Merlin, Casino Royale, Goldfinger, Justin's House, Uncharted, Tomb Raider
58 of 91
How is genre represented in Eastenders?
Zainab is cleaner/sly/busybody/bossy, Massood is working
59 of 91
How is gender represented in Merlin?
Women spectate, men fight
60 of 91
How are women represented in The Hustle?
Close-up of diamond ring, hair appointments, shopping, dresses
61 of 91
How are men represented in The Hustle?
Money grabbing, smoking, wearing red tie suggests fieriness, deceiving
62 of 91
How is gender represented in The Royle Family?
Jim bosses Barbara around, sits down entire programme, Barbara cleans, Jim insensitive
63 of 91
How is gender represented in Justin's House?
Little Monster’s female, long eyelashes suggests women like to look good, comes up with ideas but otherwise stays quiet and lets the men get on with it
64 of 91
How are women represented in Goldfinger?
James Bond is sex obsessed, play golf, manipulative, deceiving
65 of 91
How are women represented in Goldfinger?
Push over, cleaner, sly as she knows assassin is there
66 of 91
How are men represented in Casino Royale compared to Goldfinger?
Men don't appear to treat women women as objects, fairer, comforting, JB treats Vespa as his equal as they are in the same situation
67 of 91
How are women treated in Casino Royale compared to Goldfinger?
More authoritative jobs, smarter, equal, more involved in action, vulnerable when Vespa is in the shower
68 of 91
Why is Casino Royale different to Goldfinger?
The film has become more modernised, more adapted to modern stereotypes
69 of 91
What was Stuart Hall's theory?
Dominant reading, negotiated reading, oppositional reading
70 of 91
What is negotiated reading?
The reader partly shares the texts code and broadly accepts the preferred reading, but sometimes resists and modifies it in a way which reflects their own positionn
71 of 91
What is dominant reading?
The reader fully shares the texts code and accepts and reproduces the preferred reading – in such a stance the code seems ‘natural’ and ‘transparent’
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What are the case studies for representation of age?
One Direction, Santander, TBEMH
73 of 91
How is One Direction represented in their video?
Enthusiastic, bubbly, helpful, wholesome, light-hearted, positive, well-respected, popular
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Talk about the cinematography in the 1D video?
Community event, David Cameron suggests popularity of band, popularity of band mirrors that of band, benefit charity reputation
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How is 1D represented through mise-en-scene?
Grubby clothes, dusty environment, red noses, throw themselves into culture, video, video around the world suggests everyone can help, targets government
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How are middle-aged people represented in the Santander advert?
Busy, professional, no sign of recession, smart clothes, working, successful, normal everyday scenario's
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How are middle-aged people represented through mise-en-scene?
Jessica Ennis, Ror Mcllroy, Jenson Button, oufits suit profession, jingle easy to remember ABC
78 of 91
How are elderly people represented in TBEMH?
Adventurous, fussy, stuck in their ways, sarcastic, fun, upper-class, sceptical, judgemental, snobby, rich, bought up in another generation
79 of 91
How are elderly people represented through mise-en-scene?
Dull lighting at airport suggests their perception, dull British outfits compared to bright Indian clothes, community culture
80 of 91
What are the documentaries case studies?
How to Dodge Tax, Supersize Me, The Batman Shootings
81 of 91
How are places represented in The Batman Shootings
Aurora dangerous and crazy place to live
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How are people represented in The Batman Shootings?
James Holmes - a regular guy who dropped out of uni, clever, shows people's opinions on guns
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What are the demographics and pschographics of The Batman Shootings?
People who want to know what really happened, fellow Americans,
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What is oppositional reading?
The interpretation of the text that is wholly contrary to the text's dominant meanings.
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What are some other observations about The Batman Shootings?
Presenter has annoying voice, relates everything back to her, doesn't show James Holmes' reaction but childhood
86 of 91
What is the Batman Shootings documentary about?
James Holmes - movie premier, stands up and shoots audience
87 of 91
What is the How to Dodge Tax documentary about?
People who think that the tax in this country is too high, investigates companies who are hiding people's tax
88 of 91
What are the demographics and psychographics of the How To Dodge Tax documentary?
Everybody could watch it, people who pay their license fee, appeals to tax payers, mass audience, and business people, interested in money, concerned for the running of the country
89 of 91
How are people represented in the How To Dodge Tax documentary?
Negatice - professional, honest vs. dishonest
90 of 91
What are some other observations about the How to Dodge Tax documentary?
Secret camera makes watcher feel involved, split screen keeps it modern
91 of 91
Other cards in this set
Card 2
What are psychographics?
Loyalty to brands, culture, lifestyle, media interests, buying habits
Card 3
What are semiotics?

Card 4
What is representation?

Card 5
What is connotation?

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