social & moral Laws Augustus 0.0 / 5 ? Ancient HistoryAugustusASOCR Created by: emilk124Created on: 23-05-17 11:12 'thank god our grandfathers' simple lives have not come down to us' Ovid, Ars Amatoria: Ovid is saying its bad now as in the old times it was more exciting as more people were corrupt and has sex outside of marriage 1 of 10 'fertile in sin our times stained first the marriage-bed' Horace, Odes 3.6: they have offended the gods as they have committed adultery 2 of 10 'Neglected, the gods have visited many woes upon grief-stricken Italy' Horace, Odes 3.6: the reason the times in Rome have been bad is because they have forgotten the gods 3 of 10 'prosper the fathers' decrees on women's wedlock, prosper the marriage law, that it may be fruitful of childern' Horace, Carmen Saeculare: the marriage laws in 18 BC were good and working well 4 of 10 'to separate against their will a pair of lovers is beyond the power of Jupiter himself. "And mighty Caesar too?"' Propertius 2.7: the marriage laws did not work and people were against them 5 of 10 'Mighty in war he maybe; but conquered nations count for nought in lovers' Warfare' Propertius 2.7: the marriage laws did not work and it suggests and an attempt before in 27 BC 6 of 10 'failed, however, to popularize marriage and the rising of families-childlessness was too attractive' Tacitus, Annals: the law in AD 9 did not work and suggests failure 7 of 10 'increasingly many people were liable to penalties, since every household was exposed to informers' technicalities' Tacitus, Annals: talking about delatores who tried to expose people to get their land and money if convicted 8 of 10 'this did not satisfy the knights, who demonstrated against the law at a publicentertainment, demanding its repeal' Suetonius DA. 34: the Lex Julia de maritandis onbuslate was not popular with the equites who always have a good relationship with Aug 9 of 10 'thrown a bridle on licence' Horace, Odes 4.15: Augustus has control over the social and moral laws 10 of 10
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