social class

  • Created by: mpc26
  • Created on: 09-06-18 17:19
1. Karl Marx
production of labour
1 of 21
2. Weber
inequality in class as mediated by status and political forms of inequality, class is a determinant of peoples life chances
2 of 21
3. Davis and moore
stratification serves as an important function in society.
3 of 21
4. Melvin tumin-
disagreed with davis and moore that the relative importance of a particular job can always be measured by how much money or prestige is given to the people who performed those jobs.
4 of 21
5. Goldthorpe
class/inequality is determined by market situation and work/employment situation
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6. Westergaard
pivitol role of the capitalist class and major divisions in wealth. Sharp increase in class inequalities in the last decades of the century
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7. e.o. wright
American Marxist analysis of class- 3 kinds of assets: property, skill and organisation. Status has nothing to do with class
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8. Bourdieu
social, economic, symbolic and cultural capital as forms of social power
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9. Mike savage
great British class survey-7 social classes
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11. Pakulski and waters-
the death of social class, end of social classes result from the changes that have occurred in the last decades in Europe. Withdrawal of Marxism, the dissolution of communist regimes, the fact that class ideology no longer effects western Europe
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12. Polemus
we now live in a pick and mix society, there is a mix of many different identities, comes impossible to pigeon hole pople into a particular class
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13. Castells-
informational capitalism and globalisation
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14. Boltanski and chiapello
the new spirit of capitalism- the ideology that justifies engagement in capitalism, justice and specifies how capitalist mechanisms are geared towards the common good.
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15. Sennett
the culture of new capitalism based on flexibility and erosion of solidarity. Surveys major differences between earlier forms of industrial capitalism and the more global more febrile version of capitalism that is taking place
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16. Giddens
move from traditional social democratic left to new politics, which are not class specific
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17. Beck and Beck
individuals are compelled now to make agonistic choices throughout their life course, there may be no guidance, they are required to take sole responsibility for the consequences of choices made, or indeed not made.
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18. Nisbet
social class has become simultaneously more individual, more autonomous. The concept of social class has been an important, and probably inevitable
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clarke and lipset
new forms of social stratification. traditional hierachies have declined and new social differences have emerge. concept of class is an increasingly outmoded concept
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peter drucker
knowledge society, knowledge is a key economic resource. knowledge has changed, structure of society. class no longer most integral aspect persons social position determined by level of knowledge they posses
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central class divide in our capitalist societies is between capitalists and workers
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defines exploitation to be the process whereby members would benefit as a result of the unfair treatment of others
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


2. Weber


inequality in class as mediated by status and political forms of inequality, class is a determinant of peoples life chances

Card 3


3. Davis and moore


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Card 4


4. Melvin tumin-


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


5. Goldthorpe


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