Social Construction of Knowledge Key Term

The processes by which dominant culture maintains its dominant position.
1 of 13
Argues that knowledge, including educational knowledge, is socially organised - high- and low-status subjects.
stratification of knowledge
2 of 13
A mechanism or concept used to influence beliefs, values, and behaviours in a specific direction, often employed by those in power to justify their actions and maintain control over populations.
ideological tool
3 of 13
The stated knowledge and skills which students are expected to acquire.
formal curriculum
4 of 13
teachers, school boards, examiners
5 of 13
The formal curriculum serves to reproduce the social order by enforcing the dominant ideologies to the next generation. This can include reinforcing class, gender, and racial inequalities, where students from marginalised backgrounds are taught to accept
cultural reproduction
6 of 13
The assumption of social superiority and inferiority based on educational attainment, serving as an indicator of status and class advantage.
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A social system in which advancement in society is based on an individual's capabilities and merits rather than on the basis of family, wealth, or social.
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Are not simply a practical means of organising time but also a tool that reflects and reinforces certain social ideologies.
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Makes knowledge claims based on the testing of evidence.
open belief
10 of 13
Not open to testing or criticism, so its beliefs tend not to change.
closed belief
11 of 13
A framework of concepts and theories
which states how the natural world operates.
12 of 13
The process of testing a hypothesis or theory with the aim of refuting it.
13 of 13

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Card 2


Argues that knowledge, including educational knowledge, is socially organised - high- and low-status subjects.


stratification of knowledge

Card 3


A mechanism or concept used to influence beliefs, values, and behaviours in a specific direction, often employed by those in power to justify their actions and maintain control over populations.


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Card 4


The stated knowledge and skills which students are expected to acquire.


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Card 5


teachers, school boards, examiners


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