SOCIAL INEQUALITIES: AGE 0.0 / 5 ? SociologySocial stratification and inequalityA2/A-levelOCR Created by: Ciara_TCreated on: 08-06-18 12:38 ONS: % of pensioners in poverty 16% 1 of 19 GREENGROSS: Elderly Ageism institutional - age barriers set by state excluded by society 2 of 19 CARRIGAN AND SZMIGIN marginalised in media, conform to stereotypes 3 of 19 MORI: % of WORK DISCRIM 2002 38% - EU 2006 Age Discrim Illegal 4 of 19 FUNCTIONALISM changes and legislations towards young and old INEVITABLE - in a modern industrial economy 5 of 19 HENRY old age = time of disengagement from society, marginalised to open ops for young 6 of 19 PARSONS vital for social roles - teen cultural transitional 7 of 19 EISENSTADT acquire social roles - social cohesion 8 of 19 EVALUATE neglects social factors 9 of 19 MARXIST restriction to manage labour supply // RESERVE ARMY OF LABOUR 10 of 19 TOWNSEND capitalists need to know w.force - profitable 11 of 19 PHILLIPSON Explotiation. Old = no spending power 12 of 19 KIDD Elderly = undesirable, welfare desirability 13 of 19 WEBERIANISM based on status // Glass ceiling 14 of 19 MCKINGSLEY old and young affected // Retirement = loss of cultural 15 of 19 PARKIN NEGATIVE PRIV STATUS, old replace young 16 of 19 POSTMODERN - FEATHERSTONE & HEPWORTH age fragmented and diverse 17 of 19 EVERINGHAM individualised living 18 of 19 INTERPRETIVE Aries, S.Construct // JAMES AND HOCKEY old age infantalised 19 of 19
Outline and Assess Postmodernist Explanation of Age Inequality 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating Teacher recommended
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