Social Influence || Definitions

  • Created by: Chloe.LJ
  • Created on: 19-05-17 10:12
Social Influence
How we are influenced by others within a group or an individual, to change our behaviour or attitude
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Changes in behaviour and/or attitudes occuring in response to group pressure
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Most superficial type of conformity - conforming to the majority view to be liked, or to avoid ridicule or social exclusion. Our public views are changed, but our private views remain the same
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Conforming to the demands of a given role because of a desire to be like a particular person in that role e.g. a recruit in the armed forces
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The individual has compeltely accepted the views of the majority - inside and outside views are congruent (public AND private are the same)
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Majority Influence
Occurs when people adopt the behaviour, attitudes, or values of the majority after being exposed to their values or behaviour
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Minority Influence
A majority being influenced by the beliefs or behaviours of a minority
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Autokinetic Effect
A visual illusion where a small spot of light in a darkened room appears to be movingwhen in fact it is stationary
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People who have been told to act a certain way in the experiment around the real participants
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Someone that goes against the majority/group
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Someone that answers in the same way that you do
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Agreement by all persons involved
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Losing one's sense of personal identity
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Independent Behaviour
Resisting the pressure to conform OR obey authority
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Deciding that a person's actions are caused by their internal characteristics or dispositions
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Autonomous State
Being aware of the consequences of our actions and therefore taking voluntary control of our behaviour
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Conversion Theory
The influence of the minority on the majority. This is likely to affect private beliefs more than public behaviour
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Social Change
The process by which society changes beliefs, attitudes and behaviour to create new social norms
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Social Creativity
This takes place when a group attempts to redefine their attributes in a way that makes them have a positive value
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Social Competition
This takes place when a minority group enters into a direct competition with the powerful majority group and takes social action to improve the power, status and position of their own group and challenge the social conditions that disadvantage them
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Snowball Effect
Converts to the minority are few at first and then as more and more peoplechange their attitude the pace picks up and the minority gains status, power and acceptability
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Social Crytoamnesia
As a social group tend to recall that change has taken place but tend to forget about the staps that brought it about; rallies sit-ins and protests
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Card 2


Changes in behaviour and/or attitudes occuring in response to group pressure



Card 3


Most superficial type of conformity - conforming to the majority view to be liked, or to avoid ridicule or social exclusion. Our public views are changed, but our private views remain the same


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Card 4


Conforming to the demands of a given role because of a desire to be like a particular person in that role e.g. a recruit in the armed forces


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Card 5


The individual has compeltely accepted the views of the majority - inside and outside views are congruent (public AND private are the same)


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