The experiment asks the participants to look at three lines on a card and compare them to one line on another card - Participants are asked, which line matches the other line? Confederates give the wrong answer and real participants copy them.
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What was Bickman's study about? (1974)
Bickman's study was into the social power of uniform. It aimed to find the degree of social power and influence that uniform had on other people. It found that wearing a uniform give social power and influence over others. More power, more influence
2 of 7
What were criticisms of Bickman's study?
Participants were selected by opportunity sampling, the research is culturally biased, the study was unethical as participants did not know they were being studied, gender bias - all confederates were males
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NatCen, Morrell et al. research study into dispositional factors (2011) August riots in England
A peaceful protest in response to a fatal shooting by the police. Aim of study to find what had triggered the riots and the nature of the youth involvement.
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What did NatCen Morrell et al find out in their study?
Wide range of people involved - age, ethnicity, education level and different people had different reasons for being there: Watchers, Rioters, Looters, non participants
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NatCen: Conclusions
Antisocial and criminal behaviour is influenced by collective behaviour/group processes, dispositional/individual factors, what the young believe is right and wrong and individual's assessment of the benefits of involvement
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NatCen: Criticisms
People's memory of the event is not always reliable, a distrust of authority might have influenced participants' honesty, participants might have been affected by social desirability when responding to interviewers, researchers had difficulty recruit
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What was Bickman's study about? (1974)
Bickman's study was into the social power of uniform. It aimed to find the degree of social power and influence that uniform had on other people. It found that wearing a uniform give social power and influence over others. More power, more influence
Card 3
What were criticisms of Bickman's study?
Card 4
NatCen, Morrell et al. research study into dispositional factors (2011) August riots in England
Card 5
What did NatCen Morrell et al find out in their study?
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