Social Psychology, Individual Differences and Developmental Psychology 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyIndividual DifferencesDevelopmental PsychologyA2/A-levelEdexcel Created by: ellie.chapmanCreated on: 06-11-17 18:03 What does the term "individual differences" mean? Where people have different identities which are affected by things such as age, gender, ethnicity, religion, education and economic status. 1 of 5 What does the term "developmental psychology" mean? How we change over time depending on our environment and how we're raised. 2 of 5 What 3 things can affect individual differences? Culture, authoritarian personality, right-wing authoritarian personality. 3 of 5 What 3 things can affect developmental psychology? Individualist/collevtivist cultures, upbringing, gender norms. 4 of 5 What theories support individual differences and developmental psychology? Agency theory, social impact theory, social identity theory, realistic conflict theory. 5 of 5
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